2021 Winners

Emerging Screenwriters Genre Screenplay Competition

(From Over 4500 Entries)


Strays by Robert Wooldridge



Minotaur by Tim Auld


Cooze by Wendy Wilkins


Strays by Robert Wooldridge


The Ice Man by Jared Iversen


Coyote by Fredrick Leach


Facing Evil by Carmen Radtke

Sci Fi/Fantasy 

Starseeds by Ginger Kearns


Action/Adventure Finalists (Top 10)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Blood and Dreams by Suzanne Griffin
Bullets are Blind by Guy Prevost
El Soldado de Marbach by Arturo Mireles
Minotaur by Tim Auld
Nominuum by Diego Kontarovsky
Paladin by Bridget Bell McMahon
Pulse by Pascal Mercay
The Euripides Engine by Peter Andrews
The Iron Horse of Lucy Steele by Paul E. Zeidman
Zoe and the Zebra by Vicki Peterson

Comedy Finalists (Top 10)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

#LIKEME by Selina Ringel
Baby Queen by Max Rasmussen
Bad Romance by Chad Wellinger
Breast in Show by Andrea Berting
Cooze by Wendy Jean Wilkins
F-YOU! I’m a Teacher by Michael Lipoma
Gifted by Jonny King
Noir Town by Catherine Wignall
Superfreak by Sierra Hall
Vanguard by Brian Farrey-Latz

Drama Finalists (Top 10)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

American Sons by Roger Stigliano
Bleed Just Like Us by Ezekiel J. Walker
Blue Earth by Isaiah Poirier
Credible Witness by Anne Sagel
Gross Profit by Thomas Yungerberg
How to Be by Desa Larkin-Boutté
Major Hacker’s War by Steve Blame
She’s Your Super by Tristan J. Shuler
Strays by Robert Wooldridge
The Rule of Thirds by Andrea George Turner

Historical/Bio Finalists (Top 10)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Boston Brown by Adam Pachter
Idol by Tricia Lee
Magi by Richard Giarraffa
Pretty Girls Aren’t Funny by Tony Jerris
Revolution by Gayle Jackson
Riding with Charlie by Shintaro Ogai
The Girl with the Red Hair by Caitlin Gallo and Brittany Harris
The Haight by Kimba Henderson
The Ice Man by Jared Iversen
The President’s Daredevils by Tim Fitzharris

Horror/Thriller Finalists (Top 10)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Coyote by Fredrick Leach
Dead Waters by Chris Hocking
Evacuation by Aubrey Reynolds
Fade Out by Marty Howe
Hair of the Dog Diner by Ruthie Hanson
Me and The Devil Blues by Jamal Emerson Murad
Mind Game by Martin McSweeney
Northward Damned by Bryce Vails
Starlight Hacienda or The Secret to Eternal Life in The Desert by Kyle Little
Strangers in the Night by Randy Vampotic

Mystery/Crime Finalists (Top 10)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Facing Evil by Carmen Radtke
Fire Load by L.M. Kemp
GhostMaster by Elizabeth Delaney
Green Lake by Jan Libby
Life Plus Ten by Isaiah Poirier
Money Shot (Snake Eyes) by Brian Trim
NTSB by Phil Mars
Somniphobia by Michael Brody
The Loner by B. E. Marvis
We Can’t Sleep by Chris Phillips

Sci Fi/Fantasy Finalists (Top 10)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

American Dreams by Corey Brown & Tricia Lee
Cielo by Edith D. Rodriguez
Ghouly Tales by Christopher Higginson
Immortal by Natalie Metzger and Robert Allaire
Minor by Mexi Gremillion
Robot’s Best Friend by Joel Buxton & Jeff Sager
Starseeds by Ginger Kearns
Strings by Annamarie Davidson
The Creatures of Camp Fremorf by Alex Klein
Trapped in Plain Sight (AKA The Puzzle) by Tammy Klembith & George Klembith


Action/Adventure Semi-Finalists (Top 25)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Bad Mark by Elizabeth Delaney
Blood and Dreams by Suzanne Griffin
Bullets Are Blind 2 by Guy Prevost
Dunkle Bone by Willie Hynd
El Soldado de Marbach by Arturo Mireles
Inaguration by Anthony Stampalia and Elaine Langley
Minotaur by Tim Auld
Nominuum by Diego Kontarovsky
Orphan Mountain by Steve Dini
Paladin by Bridget McMahon
Project: BASTION by Mark Rosenthal
Pulse by Pascal Mercay
Rapid River Adventure Squad by Ryan Opton
Real Heroes by Richard Hohenrath and Carolina Lovera
Savage Gambit by Michael Alcorn
Scanner by Daniel Stephenson
Sparkle by Gustavo Calenzani
Stormtrooper by Randall Fontana
The Euripides Engine by Peter Andrews
The Iron Horse of Lucy Steele by Paul Zeidman
The Price of Blood by Mitchell Martin
The Repatriots by Andrea Lawson
Thicker than water by Buki Koshoni
Uniquely American by Issachar Espineda
Zoe and the Zebra by Vicki Peterson

Comedy Semi-Finalists (Top 25)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

#LIKEME by Selina Ringel
Baby Queen by Max Rasmussen
Bad Romance by Chad Wellinger
Breast in Show by Andrea Berting
Cooze by Wendy Jean Wilkins
Curated by Patrick Holden
F-YOU! I’m a Teacher by Michael Lipoma
Gifted by Jonny King
Hard Work by Horton Emory
Just Kill Me Already by Sundae Jahant-Osborn
MISSION: IMPAWSIBLE by Kellie Christensen
Modern Arcana by Ivan Beste
Noir Town by Catherine Wignall
Not For You by Ahmed Siddiqui
Paranormal P.D. by Krista Crawford
Silicon Valley Family by Carol Hall
Superfreak by Sierra Hall
Terror Team by Sean Reidy
The Big Swindle by Greg Fortier
The G.O.A.T. by Sid Patwa
The Ties That Bind by Haley Dercher
Try Sometime by Clara York
Unscripted by Erin Dooley
Vanguard by Brian Farrey-Latz
What’s Your Sign? by Isobel Bradbury

Drama Semi-Finalists (Top 25)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

6th Sense by Heidi Segal
Abandoned Pictures by Ed Johnson
Affection by Chris ONeill
All In by Andrea Nettleton
American Sons by Roger Stigliano
Belladonna by Beah Travis
Bleed Just Like Us by Ezekiel Walker
Blue Earth by Isaiah Poirier
Buttonwood by Robin Regensburg
Credible Witness by Anne Sagel
Exodus by Shyam Popat
Giselle, In Process by Haley Rice
Gorda Linda Rules by Mary Ann Koenig
Gross Profit by Thomas Yungerberg
Honeylove by Suzanna Cardash
How to Be by Desa Larkin-Boutté
Jiyo by Ataelahi Aslam
Major Hacker’s War by Steve Blame
More Than One Idiot Brother by Pearse Lehane
Ride the Wind: The Bessie Stringfield Story by Denise Meyers
She’s Your Super by Tristan J. Shuler
Slugger by J. Miller
Split Feather by Taryn Hillin
Strays by Robert Wooldridge
The Rule of Thirds by Andrea Turner

Historial/Bio Semi-Finalists (Top 25)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Boston Brown by Adam Pachter
Caroline Buxton’s Lipstick Posse by Kelly Karam
Henry David by Wayne Baltz and Terry Baltz
Idol by Tricia Lee
La Maupin by Christina Hulen
Lansky’s War by Kerry Dye
MAGI by Richard Giarraffa
Marie Antoinette et al. by Will Bashor
Nitrateville by Shan Cleland
Occupied Intelligence by Collin Lieberg
Our Own Little Something by Ava Feneberger
Pretty Girls Aren’t Funny by Tony Jerris
Revolution by Gayle Jackson
Riding with Charlie by Shintaro Ogai
The Angry Angels of Chinatown by Carol Hall
The Girl With The Red Hair by Caitlin Gallo and Brittany Harris
The Great Hinckley Fire by Randy Nelson
The Haight by Kimba Henderson
The Ice Man by Jared Iversen
The Life and Times of William and Ellen Craft by Barbara Albers Jackson
The Nomadic Intern by Carlo DeCarlo
The President’s Daredevils by Tim Fitzharris
The Unselfish Gene by Gabriell Debear Paye
The Web by Rachel Salaman
Veronica by Elisa Guidelli, Martina Biscarini, and Ilaria Malvezzi

Horror/Thriller Semi-Finalists (Top 25)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Cold Readings by John Fitch III
Coyote by Fredrick Leach
Dawn of the Apocalypse by Bret Grafton
Dead Waters by Chris Hocking
Evacuation by Aubrey Reynolds
Fade Out by Marty Howe
False Shepherd by Dawson Roebig
Hair of the Dog Diner by Ruthie Hanson
Inside by Elise Salomon
Me and The Devil Blues by Jamal Emerson Murad
Mind Game by Martin McSweeney
Mississippi Mace by Rissa Thomas
MONSTER – The Untold Story That Inspired Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein by Daniele Favilli
Northward Damned by Bryce Vails
Off the Strip by Jonathan Wickremasinghe-Kuhn
Rat Bastards by Keri Lee
Seeds by Mike Indgin
Splashdown by Travis Seppala
Starlight Hacienda or The Secret to Eternal Life in The Desert by Kyle Little
Strangers in the Night by Randy Vampotic
Taketh Away by Angel Partie and Michelle Sauer
The Unseen by Shiva Ramanathan
The Woods by Trey Everett
View from the 59th Floor by Josh Taylor
Walls by Evan Joslyn

Mystery/Crime Semi-Finalists (Top 25)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

12 Days by Randy Loveridge
Alder Avenue by Lori Roy
American Monster by Mark Davidson
Burn Down Tokyo by Isaiah Poirier
By The Book by Andrea Lawson
Closing In by Adam Fiske
Conceptus by Brian Herskowitz
Dark Magnolia by Sam Overton
Drawn to Death by David Welsh
Facing Evil by Carmen Radtke
Fire Load by Laura Kemp
GhostMaster by Elizabeth Delaney
Grass Snakes by Danny Katz
Green Lake by Jan Libby
Jinxed by Catherine Fridey
Life Plus Ten by Isaiah Poirier
Marnie by Stefania Fumo
Money Shot (Snake Eyes) by Brian Trim
Monster Of Mansfield by Joshua Katz
NTSB by Phil Mars
Red Lake Society by Joel Buxton
Somniphobia by Michael Brody
Telegraph Hill by Jan Libby
The Loner by B. E. Marvis
We Can’t Sleep by Chris Phillips

Sci Fi/Fantasy Semi-Finalists (Top 25)

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Abracadabra by Mandana Wright
Access by Kate Gleason
All the Lonely People by Bill Freas
American Dreams by Tricia Lee
Asomnia by Stuart Creque
Cielo by Edith Rodriguez
Deep Truth by Tim McQuaid
Ghouly Tales by Christopher Higginson
Hot City by Kris Hall
Immortal by Natalie Metzger and Robert Allaire
Kinsley by Tammy Modica
Meltzone by Tegan McLeod
Minor by Mexi Gremillion
Revelations by Johnny Gilligan
Robot’s Best Friend by Joel Buxton
Scapegoats by Alyssa Jefferson
Specs by Allison Mick
Starseeds by Ginger Kearns
Strings by Annamarie Davidson
The Creatures of Camp Fremorf by Alex Klein
The Shenandoah Experiment by Zack Van Eyck
Trapped in Plain Sight (AKA The Puzzle) by Tammy Klembith
Unicorn by Sheila Erdmann
Vienna Calling by Renate Grassmugg
Zero Signal by Sebastian van Hoek


(Alphabetical Order by Title)

#LIKEME by Selina Ringel
0 & 2 by Thomas Scott
10 Day Run by John Grace
12 by Korstiaan Vandiver
12 Days by Randy Loveridge
12 Hours 2 Steal by Justin Hayward
1892 by P.D. Hogan
2 Second Rule by Mitchel Resnick
33rd Street Gypsy by Josh Taylor
6th Sense “Pilot: I Saw What Happened” by Heidi Segal
A Billion to One by Thomas Scott
A Clown Named Tremaine by Dylan Amick
A Coven of Thieves by Eugene Ramos
A Friendly Gathering Amongst Friends by Michael Arnold
A Glorious Christmas by Dorothy Irwin and Jennifer Cryderman
A Good Story by Tony Sbrana
A History of Fascist New York by Fredrick Leach
A Lincoln Christmas Carol by Louie Pradt
A Long Way From Sunday by Aaron Braxton
A Mostly Magnificent Memoir by Bo Bennett
A Price for Everything by Anmol Vanamali
A Queen Erased by Georgia Waters
A Safe Place For Shelter by George Wilson
A Seeping Wound by Darryl Wimberley
A Shot Through The Heart by John Radtke
A Spoonful Of Sugar by Josh Berman and Janelle Goforth
A Tale Told by an Idiot by Dan Barber
Abandoned Pictures by Ed Johnson
ABCD by Laurie Lamson
Abigail by Brett Hauze
Above the Line: Pilot Episode by Les Zig
Abracadabra by Mandana Wright
Access by Kate Gleason
ACE by Jacobo Fe Gismera
Acolyte by Sandra Bryant
Acrobatshit by Jack Olin
Adiona by Ian Causer
Adoration by Michael Harwood
Adulthood by Sam Macneil
Adventourist by Tim Hitpas
Affection by Chris ONeill
After Neverland by E.R. Womelsduff
After Nothing by Michael Acosta
After School by Aaron Barrocas
Agnosia by Scott Wisdom
Ahead by Semyon White
Alder Avenue by Lori Roy
Alek by Dylan Amick and Daniel Glenn Fissmer
Alex Finn Vs The Nightmare Marauders by Paul Zeidman
All Hallows’ Night by Federico Vicino
All In by Andrea Nettleton
All the Lonely People by Bill Freas
All Together by Sean Mogridge
Altered Ego by Cynthia Riddle and Peter Hunziker
Amazing Grace by Greg Schwartz
American Checkout by Todd Foley
American Daydream by Jim Grieco
American Dreams by Tricia Lee
American Fallout by Harry Kakatsakis
American Monster by Mark Davidson
American Sons by Roger Stigliano
Among Thieves by Danny Katz
Anathema by Bob Singleton
And No One Mourned by Kyle Rogers
And Still Champion… by Jackie Letkowski
Andromeda by Eve Hands
Angie & Maria by Stan Lieberman
Anything But Luck by Eric Stacey
Apostle 13 by Glen Hosking
Arcana by Chandler Patton
Archaic by John Parenteau
Are We Fair Yet? by Susan Sassi
Arrow Of Honor by Robin Woldorf and Rik Center
Ascension by Jared Iversen
Ashanti Maroon by Natalie Duncan
ASK: American Serial Killer by Cristian Xavier
Asomnia by Stuart Creque
Assassins Don’t Pay Rent by Paul Glen Neuman
Assimilated by Christopher Guerrero
Astrology for Goddesses by Zack Van Eyck
Atomic Mercenary Puppy by Xavier Burgin
Attention Unfamiliar by Cheyenne Thornton
Attractive Nuisance by Derek Nicoletto
Austentatious by Charmaine Colina
Avalon by Christopher DeWan
Baby Gay by Joseph Servodio
Baby Queen by Max Rasmussen
Back Roots by Delaina Waldron
Bad Mark by Elizabeth Delaney
Bad Romance by Chad Wellinger
Bedbugs by Carlo DeCarlo
Behind the Right Field Screen by Richard Minkoff
Belladonna by Beah Travis
Belle and the Blood Beast by Anton Diether
Besht by Miriam Lyapin
Better by Richard Valles
Between These Walls by George Johnson
Beyond Knotty Grove by Sean Hixson
BFFs Never Say Die by K. Jennifer Ilagan
Big Boy by Bryan Kelly
Big Mother by Adam Libarkin
Big Sur by Bruce Scivally
Billboard by Lesley Harter
Billie & Mark Almost Get Killed by Sean Reidy
Billy & Daisy (A Fable About Love & Death) by Anthony Montes
Biomass by Rob Tymchyshyn
Bitter Beans by Grietje Lolita Fortuin
Black Bones Jones by James Moorer
Black Kiss Stigmata by Chad Ward
Black Ops Girlfriend by Patrick O’Connor
Blackfriar by Chris Bolton
Bleed Just Like Us by Ezekiel Walker
Blind Mice by Aaron Milus
Blinded by Michael Kruzan
Blinders by Edward Klau
B-List by Matthew Lutz and Elaine Stirling
Blood and Ash by Kenneth Sanabria
Blood and Dreams by Suzanne Griffin
Blood Brothers by Cynthia Riddle and Peter Hunziker
Blood Debt by Jonathan Wickremasinghe-Kuhn
Blood From a Stone by John King
Blood Runs Red by Jim Gilbertsen
Bloody Williamson by Kristel Taylor
Blue Belle by Maggie Mahrt
Blue Blood by Mark Davidson
Blue Earth by Isaiah Poirier
Blunt Force by Kellie Christensen
Bonspiel by Allyson Simon
Bookish by Colleen Durkin
Boom Boom by Euroy Tan
Boom Lagoon by Shaun Radecki
Booted by Lisa J Dooley
Borderline by Kieran Shea and David Osorio
Boston Brown by Adam Pachter
Bound by Adrienne Arno
Bountiful Bay by Monique Hayes
Breaking News by Samuel Spitale
Breast in Show by Andrea Berting
Breathe by Mark Davidson
Breaux Bridge by Michael Hubbard
Brownfield Heights by Wendy Jean Wilkins
Browser Wars by Yusuf Gad
Bullet Proof Money by David Healy
Bullets Are Blind 2 by Guy Prevost
Bunker Down by Jeff Bower
Burn Down Tokyo by Isaiah Poirier
Burn It Down by Chelsea Totten
BURNER: A Killing in Palm Springs by Bob Canning
Burning Down by Austin McKinley
Butterfly Children by Melanie Schiele
Buttonwood by Robin Regensburg
By the Book by Andrea Lawson
Cage Trap by Richard Buzzell
Calber Island by Kristen Butler
Captain Manic by Louis Ferrante and Alasdair McMullan
Capturing Heart Mountain by Aaron Michael Bailey
CareFull by Talie Melnyk
Carnybirds by Rachel Music
Caroline Buxton’s Lipstick Posse by Kelly Karam
Cash Explosion by Ilana Gordon
Cast Them Dead by Joe Kilgore
Cateyes by Nikhail Asnani
Cat’s Eyes by Harvey Papush
Cellar Dwellers by Randy Vampotic
Cerebral by Alex Avila
Chad + Trixie 4Eva by C.W. Madsen
Champagne Charlie by Matt Granelli
Character Development by Kassandra Tate
Characters by Chris Harris
Chased by Maria Jasmin
Chasing Fathers by Marc Henderson
Cheaters by Caitlin Gallo and Brittany Harris
Chihuahua: Padre by Michael Williams
Chosen One by Madison Tower
Christmisfit by Paul Hottenstein
Christopher by Mike Baranik
Chrysalis by Dan Benamor
Church Softball by Josh Mancuso
Cielo by Edith Rodriguez
Clay, May, Shawn by Mike Bradecich
Clone: Unknown by Emily A. Akhoundi
Closing In by Adam Fiske
Cognizant by Dale Winarski
Cold Heart by Sean-Paul Thomas Cairns
Cold Readings by John Fitch III
Collaboration by Alessio Franko
Colonel Stewart by Michael Fitzgerald
Colour My Love by Starlett Hill
Come In by Vitor Kappel
Commit by Kathleen Dexter and Emanuele Corso
Commonwealth by Jared Hardy
Community Center Stage by Isaac Rathbone
Compulsion by Brady Nelson
Conceptus by Brian Herskowitz
Confidently Conflicted by Chloe Friberg
Confluence by Joel Dahl
Control by Robbie Brown
Cooze by Wendy Jean Wilkins
Cop Killer by Greg Goodness
Cornerstone by Chris Arnold
Counter Earth by Ryan Vaughn
Coyote by Fredrick Leach
Crawl Space by Derick & Rebecca Otto
Crazy Athol by C Cannon Rosenau
Credible Witness by Anne Sagel
Crown of Fury by Irene Adornato
Cryptic West by Jessica Lewinski and Cael Anton
Cuffing Season by Jon Bershad
Cupid’s Curse by Micah Goldman and Griff Kohout
Curated by Patrick Holden
Curie by Bonnie Kim Taylor and Alex Baxter
Daddy Issues by Zach Witt
Dalilah Nguyen by Molly Brady
Damn the Valley by Daniel Clark
Daniel Radcliffe Stole My Life by Ed Wiles
Dark Magnolia by Sam Overton
Dark Shepherd by Abraham Marcos
Dark Site by Harry Kakatsakis
Darkroom by Levi Buchanan
Darwin by David Luz
Dawn of the Apocalypse by Bret Grafton
De Moray by Rory Lawie
Dead 9 by Gregory Houghton
Dead Enders by Brent Hartinger
Dead Keys by Dylan Levine
Dead Peasants by Andrew Goth
Dead Water by Lisa Rysinger
Dead Waters by Chris Hocking
Deadland by Tony Martin
Dearg Due – The Red Thirst by Anthony Mariani
Deceptive Minds by Sushruth Shetty
Decked by Brent Hartinger
Deep Truth by Tim McQuaid
Deep Well Clinic by Gabriell Debear Paye
Delphine and the Fantastical Foodies by Emily Vaartstra
Demons 4 Dummies by Rollin Jewett
Desert Shield by Justin Kyker
Desert Star News by Robert Haus
Different by Harvey Yazijian
Digital by Filip Momirovski
Disassembly by Christopher DeWan
Disposable People by Alex Moreno
Divine Blood by Aly Miller
Dog Mom by Tamra Teig
Drafted by Renee Meland
Drawing Dead by Kelly Parks
Drawn to Death by David Welsh
Dreamworld by John W. Kim
DroneGames by John Kim
Drop Dead Gorgeous by Cameron Silver
Duel on the Dalton by Christopher Kearney
Dunkle Bone by Willie Hynd
E-BRAIN by Anne-Cecile Ville
Echo The Wind by Thomas Mazzola
Eggs by Brandon Joyner
El Soldado de Marbach by Arturo Mireles
Eliza’s Loop by Lisa Dewberry
Elsewhere by Cherline Bazile
Emblems by Danny Van
Emery & Ellsworth Make a Picture by Madi Stine
Emily Quiver by Aaron Smith
Empathy by Jeff Bergquist
Empathy in An Uncanny Valley by Korstiaan Vandiver
Empty Nest by Linda Gauer
Envie by James Mason
Ephemeral by Justin Olson
Eternal Guides by Andy Estrada
Evacuation by Aubrey Reynolds
Everything Will Be OK in the End by Andrew Curzon
Evolution Zero by Madeline Rooks
Executable by Paul Glen Neuman
Exodus by Shyam Popat
Exposure by Michelle Aldridge
Facing Evil by Carmen Radtke
Fade Out by Marty Howe
Fake Melania by Brian Farrey-Latz
Falling in Line by Anita Chandwaney
False Shepherd by Dawson Roebig
Family Spies by Warren Clarke
Far from Sky Eden by Ted Jackson
Fastball on the Outside Corner: The Josh Gibson Story by Gregg Delso
Faster than Bullets by Patrick Holden
Faster than Horses by Chris Mul
Fatty Arbuckle by Steven Hartman
Faulkner Ware by Jack Wood
Fear Springs Eternal by Harvey Yazijian
Feather by Kevin Schwartz
Feminoid by Alexandria Lane
Final Boy by Final Boy
Final Girl Inc. by Michael Stinson
Finding Eden by Brad Dude
Fire Load by Laura Kemp
Firebird by David Jones
Fishmonger by Neil Ferron
Fits the Crime by Steve Blame
Five Kingdoms by Craig Koller
Five Swords Under Heaven by Logan Shaw
Five With A Bullet by Christopher Isenegger
Flatheads by Matthew Mosley
Flawless: A Feminist Fairytale by Deborah Rayne and Catherine Eaton
Fleas and Rats by Callie Webb
For the Love of God by James Grant
Francesca’s Passion by Lisa Mouhibian and Massimo Pianiri
Frank Blunt by Lanny Wilson
Frank Cole by Yusuf Gad
Frankenstein in Love by Carole Parker
Freak School by Jaime Kawamoto
Fred Perry by Julian Chomet
From the Darkest Place by Thom Egelston
Front Line Ready by Michael Zimmerman
FUC – Fighting Ultimate Championships by Marc Rosenzweig and Haven Johnson
Fuck Her Up by Grant MacDermott
Fuego Lento by Jose Mata
F-YOU! I’m a Teacher by Michael Lipoma
Gaia’s Shadow by Lizanne Southgate
Genie In A Bottle by Gregory Houghton
Ghost Tours by Katie Ennis
Ghosted, With Love by Bob Canning
GhostMaster by Elizabeth Delaney
Ghouly Tales by Christopher Higginson
Gifted by Jonny King
Giselle, In Process by Haley Rice
Glossy Print by Kenneth Yovanovic
God Mode by Ash Willeby
Going Together by Laurel Nicholson
Gold Diggers by Toby Martin Hughes
Gold Trail Pass by Rob McNeil
Golden Gate by Holly Holstein
Goner by George Cagala
Good Girl by Colleen Durkin
Good Grief by Josh Hamelin
Gorda Linda Rules by Mary Ann Koenig
Gospel According to Admin by Grace Fetterman
Grandma’s A Hitman by Phil Hollins
Grant Park by Craig Douglas Miller
Grass Snakes by Danny Katz
Green Lake by Jan Libby
Gross Profit by Thomas Yungerberg
Guacamole Yesterdays by Hudson Phillips
Gutshot by Anthony Pittore
H.E.L.P. by Mark Sammut
Hail Mary by Marc Prey
Hair of the Dog Diner by Ruthie Hanson
Hal Mark and the Wonderful World of Christmas by John Dickson
Hal, The Spud King of Japan by John Thibault
Hammurabi by Steve Blame
Hard Work by Horton Emory
Hardway by Landon Nemoto
Harvest by Jazmyn Wright
Haunted Waters by Megen Musegades and Jenna Reilly
Heard by Alex George Pickering
Heaven Sent by George Williams
Heaven’s Silence by Michael Gossette
Hegemony by Christian Maxwell
Hell to Pay by Luke Baker and Jesse James Dean
Hellfire by Mark Dollard
Henry David by Wayne Baltz and Terry Baltz
Her Majesty’s Spymistress by Marcus Goodwin
Here Lies Jane by Carol Fahey
Hide in Plain Sight by Linda Freeny
Hitmakers by Sebastian St. George and Gregg Alfvegren
Holy Mother by Ralph Mathers
Honeylove by Suzanna Cardash
Horizon by Keshia Kola
Hot City by Kris Hall
How Soon is Now by Vincent Venturella and Jack Guimon
How to Be by Desa Larkin-Boutté
How to Kill Yourself Like The Ultimate Badass* by Kyle Little
Hum by Nick VanderPyl
Hunker Down by Ken Klein and Win Hahn
Hunter Killer by Steve Garvin
Hysteria by Mary Gracen-Farrell
I Await the Devil’s Coming by Jonathan Durie
I Bring Joy by David Stuart Snell
I Bring The Sword by Thomas Yungerberg
I Hate Cindy Lovelet by Paul-Anthony Surdi
I Heart Yosemite by Kara Sabin Doran
Idol by Tricia Lee
If I Can’t Dance to It, It’s Not My Revolution by Sara Cooper
I’m Dead by Fee Basanavicius
I’m with AIDS by Warren Wagner
Imagination Park by Barry Smith
Immortal by Natalie Metzger and Robert Allaire
In Eden by Holly Beck
In Our Midst by Martin O’Brien
In The Family by Jennifer Romano
Inauguration by Anthony Stampalia and Elaine Langley
Indefinite Lifespan by Michael Salomon
Indie Chick by Sharilyn Kyle
Infohazards by Stephen Padgett
Inside by Elise Salomon
Insurrection by Simon Bowler
Insurrection by Simon Bowler
Intrinsic Innocence by Jeremy Masterson
Inversion by Edward Klau
Irish Werewolf in Manhattan by Terrence Ross
Jaded by PP Hsiung
Jamestown by Robbie Robertson
Jeremy’s World by Carlos Perez
Jess & Luc by Daniel Contreras
Jessica Bly by Tom Moriarty
Jinxed by Catherine Fridey
Jiyo by Ataelahi Aslam
Jodye by Christopher Tobin
Joe Louis is Coming to Town! by Leonard Varasano
Jozefin Escapes by Pamela Perry
Judy by Mark Davidson
Jungle King by Robert J Morgalo
Just Kill Me Already by Sundae Jahant-Osborn
Justice in Bulk by Jay Strong
Juvenile Justice by Michael Brewer
Kaleidoscope by Darryl Wimberley
Karen, The Spy by L.J. Sellers
Killing Time by Brian Trim
Kind Hearted Woman by Lorre Fritchy
Kingdom of the Ancients by Tammy Olsen and Shawna Moore
Kingdom of Violence by David Snyder
Kinsley by Tammy Modica
Kiwi by Eric Rich
Knight’s Law by Eric Roberts
Knobby Walker by Wendy Memoli
knur by Fabiana Medici
Kosmos by Alex Blumberg
La Maupin by Christina Hulen
La Mujer (The Woman) by Steve Lucas
Ladder 13 by Nic Ransome
Lansky’s War by Kerry Dye
Lazarus by Alasdair Mcmullan
Legs by David DeBord and Kristi Sutton
Leilani by Dr. Norman P. Johnson
Let ‘er Buck by Maren Curtis
Lethland by Patrick Hatten
Life During Wartime by Mark Bowes
Life Plus Ten by Isaiah Poirier
Limbo by Paul Jarnagin
Lincoln File by Josh Price
Literally Dead by Corbin Godfrey
Litter Stalker Prey by E Elizabeth Franklin
Little Red Cells by Ronald Ecker
Live Fast Die Young by Tegan McLeod
Long Live John Africa! by Sean Slater
Looming in the Swamps by Jonathan Samuel
Lost Children by Kristoffer Tabori
Lost in Bollywood by Sabina Sattar and Sonali Sonali
Love is a Battlefield by Gail Brice
Love, Pandora by Elizabeth Dwyer
Loving Liberty by Harvey Yazijian
Low Pro Po by Jimmy Kelly, Glenn McBride Jr., & Brannon Brass
Luminous Terror by Sara Raasch
Luz by Kieran Shea and David Osorio
Macabre Pilot by Kelly Krause
Maconochie (The Mark System) by Antonio Messina
Maelstrom by Greg Pace
Maestra by Susan Polk
MAGI by Richard Giarraffa
Mahogany Mementos by Helen K. Thomas
Maiden by Jake White
Maidens of Babylon by Tony Martin
Major Hacker’s War by Steve Blame
Malsumis by Devin Haqq
Mama Hospital by Sara Vitale and Ellen Klein Pillsbury
Man Up by Kenny Hillman
Marabelli: A Scoundrel’s Tale by Benjamin Feldman
Marble Palace by Kirk Ah Tye
March by Julie Manriquez
Mares by Kenya Jennings
Marie Antoinette et al. by Will Bashor
Marnie by Stefania Fumo
Marshal Dodge by Brad Catherman
Mary by Josh Berman
Mary Ellen by Caitlin Amans
Mason’s Cove by Ky Rogers
Matchsticks 2.0 by Shane Walsh-Smith
Matriarch by Austin Zartman
Maxine by Stephanie Elie
Me Again by Brian Farrey-Latz
Me and the Devil Blues by Jamal Emerson Murad
Meet Cute by Michael Charron
Meeting Lorne Michaels by Heidi Nyburg
Meltzone by Tegan McLeod
Memory Snatchers by Amy Blackwelder
Metempsychosis by Michael Tuxhorn
Mia & the Skeletons’ Night From Hell by Ryan Maples
Middle Age by Myles Hewette
Milton Falls by Jason Murgatroyd
Mind Game by Martin McSweeney
Mineshaft by Jonathan Muncherian
Ming by Katherine Martinez De Leon
Minor by Mexi Gremillion
Minotaur by Tim Auld
Misconception by Jill Remensnyder
Miskatonic U. by Chris Bolton
Miss Narcoamerica by Jules Nurrish
Missileman by George Escobar
MISSION: IMPAWSIBLE by Kellie Christensen
Mississippi Mace by Rissa Thomas
Mistaken Identity by Steven Hartman
Modal by Kyle Jutkiewicz
Modern Arcana by Ivan Beste
Moffen Girls by Danielle Mulligan Kinney
Moment of Clarity by Dallas Gibson
Money Shot (Snake Eyes) by Brian Trim
MONSTER – The Untold Story That Inspired Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein by Daniele Favilli
Monster Of Mansfield by Joshua Katz
Monstra by The Garcia Sisters
Monstrous by Adam Spring
Morality Games by Alia Zeid
More than One Idiot Brother by Pearse Lehane
Morning in America by Christian McDonald
Mothers by Vikki Harris
Mother’s Milk by Mike Harris
Mourning Glory by Katie Frorer
Mr Voodoo by Brenda LePage
Ms Hargreaves’ Handbook of Unspeakable Horrors by Ed Appleby
Muddy Fork by Stacey Bean
Muffin Box by Jaclyn Chan
Murder Me by David Luz
Muscle and Bark by Gina DeAngelis
Music Street by Tony Ferrendelli
My Arch Victim by Adam Sturkenboom
My Favorite Summer, Like Ever by Brad Nuber
My Marionette by Anthony Montes
My Secret Zoo by John Parenteau
My Sister and I by Sean-Paul Thomas Cairns
My Wedding At Auschwitz by Evelyne Werzowa
Mytopia by Jon Plant
Necropolis by Caledonia Hanson
Negative Space by David Kelly
Nero by Giacomo Battiato
Nescience by Bryce Jackman
Neurotransmission by Andrea Berting
Never Look Back by Ahmed Siddiqui
Never Mind Me by Grady Maxwell
New by John Harden
New Storm Rising by Alexander Kostoulas
Nghia on the Edge by Claire Tran
Nightmare on Hatchet Island by Josh Taylor
Nightriders by Sam Fisch
Nitrateville by Shan Cleland
Nixon Van Buren by Jon Savage
Noah & Camille by Catherine Delaloye
Noir Town by Catherine Wignall
Nominuum by Diego Kontarovsky
Non-Binary by Robert Tobin
Northward Damned by Bryce Vails
Not about Love by Teri Shavoz
Not about Money by Pamela Green
Not for You by Ahmed Siddiqui
Not My Brother by Kathryn Orwig
Not Obsessed by Ava Feneberger
NOVA by David McAbee
NPC by Kenneth Pulgar-Vidal
NTSB by Phil Mars
O Cannibal by Ilana Gordon
Oberon by Kim Lozelle
Occupied Intelligence by Collin Lieberg
Ode to Orange by Catherine Delaloye
Of Love and Life and Seasons by Stuart Heinlein
Off the Strip by Jonathan Wickremasinghe-Kuhn
Offspring by Melanie Schiele
Old Bones by Michael Lipoma
Old Code West by Michael Acosta
Olympians! by Esteban Malave and Charles T Moore
On Your Case by Landon Nemoto
One Last Boink by Jason Ancona
One Nation, Under Barb by Vanessa Pegram
Oni by David Santo
Oopsy Desi American by Karthi Masters
Operation Paperclip by Michael Arnold
Operator by Anthony Vasto and Rob Seltzner
Oracle by Dave Shailer
Organ Donor by Rustin Jarrell
Orphan Mountain by Steve Dini
Orpheus by Richard Giarraffa
Orson by Jared Egol
Ostium by Joseph Kelbley
Our Home by Claire Kathryn Roche
Our Own Little Something by Ava Feneberger
Out of the Ditch by Charley Vance
Outer Rim by Tony Corporan
Outtakes by Ken Klein and Win Hahn
Ozmosis by Jim Kowalski
Pagers by Tracey Maye
Paladin by Bridget McMahon
Panhandle by Alexander Videtto
Paper Wife by Rowshon Sarker and Rebbeca Chowdhury
Paradise Ranch by Kiril Sabev
Paradox by Jon Cohen
Parallel by Nick Padmore
Parallel U by Nathan Zoebl
Parallel Universe by Patrick McGrath
Paranormal P.D. by Krista Crawford
Party Bosses by Monique Hayes
Pawnbroken by Elliot Stanton
Pearls by Susan Hahn
Pedal Power by Nubia Rahim
Perrito by Johanna Moreau
Pets and Pandemics by JL Paxxiel
Phantom Blues by Michael Gossette
Phone Man by Jeffrey Chase
Pickman’s Model by James Van Fleet
Pinky Promise by Mark Davidson
Pinto by Sandra Ramirez
Pistol Whipped by David Axelrad
PM Dude by Julian Chomet
Pocket Full of Shells by Richard Anderson
Poker Face by Mike Bencivenga
Police Auction by Justin Martinez
POOF! by Wayne Baltz and Terry Baltz
Poseur by Marianna de Ciutiis and Michelle de Ciutiis Groman
Potential by Hannah C. Langley
Powder by Ria Fend
Powderpuff by Kyle Little
Practicing by John Fitch III
Preacher’s Kid: Giant Slayer by Gregory Bonds
President’s Day by Chris ONeill
Pretending to Date Tyler by Andrea Nettleton
Pretty Girls Aren’t Funny by Tony Jerris
Pride Floats by James Bergeron
Pride of Love by Kevin Dwyer
Princess Pickles by Deanne Devine
Princeton by Kerric Johnson
Professor Challenger and the Wicked Beasties by Sierra Hall
Project: BASTION by Robert J Morgalo
Pros and Cons by Andrea Lawson
Protecting Porters by Chelsea Totten
Proud Mary by Jennifer Paz
Publishing Hitler by Jordan Schursky
Pulse by Pascal Mercay
Pyramid by Isaiah Poirier
Quantum Appliances by Michael Castelaz
Quantum by Brian Meade
Quantum Polarity by Michael McKnight
Quarantined With a Serial Killer by Laurel Nicholson
Quash by John McCarney
Queen of Time by Sebastian St. George and Gregg Alfvegren
Rack it Up! by Thomas Yungerberg
Rad, Bro: a Gender Story by Zachary Bell
Rapid River Adventure Squad by Ryan Opton
Rat Bastards by Keri Lee
Ray by Steve Mora and Bret A. Arnold
Real Heroes by Richard Hohenrath and Carolina Lovera
Recommended for You by Arun Narayanan
Red Lake Society by Joel Buxton
Red Room by Michael Cantu
Red-Blooded American by Nathan Zoebl
Redemption by Eric Anderson
Relocation by Warren Clarke
Rent a Friend by Davin Dmitruk Cook
Repair The Carrows by Johnny Cruz
Reset by BJ Grogan
Reset by Gretchen Klein
Restoration by Krystyna Å oboda
Reunion by John W. Kim
Revelations by Johnny Gilligan
Revolution by Gayle Jackson
Richard Hartfield Knows All by Marco Amato
Ride the Wind: The Bessie Stringfield Story by Denise Meyers
Ridgefield by Schyler Martin
Riding with Charlie by Shintaro Ogai
Ripper by Gabriel Rodriguez
Rise of the Seven by Henry Brown
Rise Up Little Girl by Matthew Avant
Robot’s Best Friend by Joel Buxton
Rock Bottom by Josh Sorokach
Roman Help Me by Alison Burns
Romeo and Julie by Bonita Alford
Rosewood Falls by Jaye Lowe and Michael Massey
Roughest Town In The West by Guershon Moreno
Roxy by Sarah Kraus
Run for the Roses by David LeBlanc
San Diablos by Aimee Evans
Satellites by Samantha Miniard
Savage Gambit by Michael Alcorn
Saving Love by Tammy Klembith
Say What? by Stuart Forrest
Scanner by Daniel Stephenson
Scapegoats by Alyssa Jefferson
Scars Club by Jeff Blevins
Scooped by Chris Givens
Scouts Honor by Warren Wagner
Scuppernongs by Lynne Ashe
Second Crossing by James Howells
Second Numbers by Eulonda Lea
Secret Agent Bob by Geno Scala
Seeds by Michael Karan Tomsu
Seeds by Mike Indgin
Seesaw by Mike Baranik
Self-Surrender by Deana Martin
Senior Year by Kaisha Bicknell
Sergeant Roger Lamb’s American War by Stephen Brodsky
Shadow Run by John Thibault
Shango by Martyn Eaden
She Wasn’t There by Vanessa Chamberlain
SHE.e.o by Teri Shavoz
Sheila’s Web by Anton Diether
Shelf Life by David Zorn
She’s No Doubt Dead by Giulie Speziani
She’s Your Super by Tristan J Shuler
Shifter: Violet Jay by Kelley Katzenmeyer
Shitstorm by David Luz
Shotgun Ballad by John Alen
Side Quest by Michael Tannenbaum and Louie Aronowitz
Silent Sprung by William Gage
Silicon Valley Family by Carol Hall
Silverhawk Road by The Adamsons
Sinatra by Richard Muti
Skeeters by Jay D. Waxman
Skinned by Carlos Perez
Skinny Dipping by Harvey Yazijian
Skpow! by Stephen Notley
Skye Montana by Larry Coleman
Slaves to the Rhythm by Terry Connell
Sleeping on Stones by Nicole Ballivian
Slim & Nun by Brandon Burkhart
Slugger by J. Miller
Smith Road by James Lemke
Smoke by Brian Moon
Snowflakes by Karon Aghotte
Solomon’s Train by Troy Perkins
Soma by Ian Hand
Somewhere Not Yet Seen by Connie Rankin and Marley Singletary
Somniphobia by Michael Brody
Soulmate by Brian Moon
Sown in Ashes by Jeanine Simpson
Space Pirates by Aaron Milus
Space Rat by Sharon Axcell
Space Suckers by Derick Otto and Rebecca Arnold
Spaceless by Caitlin Reed
Sparkle by Gustavo Calenzani
Specs by Allison Mick
Splashdown by Travis Seppala
Split Feather by Taryn Hillin
St. Jane by Richard Valles
Stages of Terror by Devon Richards
Stain by Paul Baiguerra
Starlight Hacienda or The Secret to Eternal Life in the Desert by Kyle Little
Starseeds by Ginger Kearns
Starting Over by Isaiah Nielson
State v. Kobos by Adam Hersh
Staycation by Sundae Jahant-Osborn
Stefan by Ana-Marija Stojic
Stellarator by Austin McKinley
Still Life by Austin Wood
Still Time to Live by Faith Cox
Still’s Life by Duncan Putney
Stolen Angels by James Pendergast
Stories of a Mad Band by Dalvin DeGrate and S.A. Felder
Stormtrooper by Randall Fontana
Strange, CA by Ben Warner
Strangers in the Night by Randy Vampotic
Strays by Robert Wooldridge
Strings Attached by Mays Archer Saffar
Strings by Annamarie Davidson
Studio City by Ryan Vaughn
Stuffed by Corinna Root
Submit by Gianpaolo Pietri
Sugar Mamas by Paul Skinner
Sugar Mommas by Paul Skinner
Summoned by Tammy Klembith
Sundown by Alan Beard
Sunflowers (Habibi) by Robert Pranga
Sunset ’81 by FV Everleigh
Supercharger by Patrick Hatten
Superfreak by Sierra Hall
Superposition by Gareth Root
Sure-Fire by Michael Goldburg, Dave Chan, and Steve Wisniewski
Surface Tension by Steve Wisniewski
SuspenseTV by Jon Savage
Symptoms of a Small Town by Matthew Sadowski
Tabitha Drowning by Anu Sukhdial
Taken in the Darkest Hours by Rich Lane
Taketh Away by Angel Partie and Michelle Sauer
Tankborn by Karen Sandler and Regina Ainsworth
Tarnished by Matthew Walker
TARO: Legendary Boy Hero of Japan by Blue Spruell
Tax Man by Kieran Shea and David Osorio
Team Emma by Andrea Zastrow
Technopolis by Jake Macpherson
Teegarden by Scott Henderson
Teen Zombie Show by David Santo
Teens Gone Deadly! by Steven Bolia
Telegraph Hill by Jan Libby
Tender & Mild by Jared Dunne
Terminal Point by Eliza Crosland
Terms of an Orgy by Adam France
Terra Vita by Alex Blumberg
Terrible Business Codfish by Paul Larsen
Terror Games by Jodie Jones
Terror Team by Sean Reidy
The 7th Kill by Daniel Flint
The Accidental Terrorist by Stewart Fergus
The Alternative by Isobel Bradbury
The Amicus Agency by Daniel Bumgardner
The Andersonville Horror by Marie Jones
The Angry Angels of Chinatown by Carol Hall
The Anklebiter by Andrew Jones
The Art of Resistance by David Brown
The Avondale Graveyard for Lost & Forgotten Children by Amanda Minchin
The Banana Man by Lifu Chen
The Banner by Ernestina Juarez
The Beach by Joey Newfield
The Best Interest of the Child by James Freeman
The Best Last Family Christmas by Christine OKeefe
The Bewitching of Camille by Derek Anthony
The Bicycle Man by David Hughens
The Big Swindle by Greg Fortier
The Birth by Gregory Nagy
The Bitter Season by Steven Gottry
The Bleeding Season by Adam McDaniel
The Blue Hour by Kristel Taylor
The Book of Blix by Danny Baram
The Bounty Hunters by Nancy Breslin
The Bullying Squad by Mike Murphy
The Butter Street Hitchhiker by Chris Hicks
The Christmas Reindeer by Mary Albanese
The Cold Run by Blake Kimzey
The Coldest Winter by Minh-Anh Vo Dinh
The Collective by David O’Rourke
The Community by Jason Katzman
The Creatures of Camp Fremorf by Alex Klein
The Crusade by Gregory Cohen
The Crush by Jeffrey Longberry
The Death March by James Van Fleet
The Deep Cut by Jonathan Samuel
The Desert Shrine by V.R. Zahn
The Devil’s Breath by Tom Hogan
The Devil’s Hand by Garon Cockrell
The Devil’s Workshop by Anthony Cipriano
The Dirty Blonde by Sven Anarki
The Doors of Perception by Johnny Cruz
The Duke and Duchess of Queens by Jezabel Montero
The Dutchman by Robert Callahan
The Edge by Richard Stone
The End by Brian Arnold
The End Times by Greg Fortier
The Envy of Ledd by Gary Irons
The Euripides Engine by Peter Andrews
The Event by Izabela Borowska
The Exile by Gustavo Garzon
The First Pill by Jeffrey Longberry
The Fitz by Mike Guerrini
The Follower by Efrain Franco
The Four Horsemen by Christopher Sorensen
The G.O.A.T. by Sid Patwa
The Gdansk Girl by Dezso Krisztics
The Girl with the Red Hair by Caitlin Gallo and Brittany Harris
The Gloriana by Jatin Parmar
The Grave Digger by AJ Eversley
The Great Hinckley Fire by Randy Nelson
The Great Houdini by Alan Starzinski
The Great Spaggiari by Chris Mul
The Haight by Kimba Henderson
The Half Hearted Cyborg by SJ Mills
The Hard & Short of It by Fredrick Leach
The Harvesting by Steven Stiefel and M.E. Ellington
The Haunted City by Marc Edelstein
The Holdout by Nick Padmore
The Homeless by Amelie Leclerc
The House From Bunker Hill by Anthony Montes
The House of Lilies by FV Everleigh
The Hunger Winter by John Slaven
The Ice Man by Jared Iversen
The In-Betweens by Marky Hinojosa
The Inner Nymph by Jane Petreycik
The Iron Horse of Lucy Steele by Paul Zeidman
The Janitor by Jon Brecto
The Jobber by Alie Turfe
The Knowledge by Alexander Osman
The Last Catholic by Eric Marcel Jones
The Last Stage, or Wyatt’s Earp Dying Dream by Bruce Scivally
The Legend of The Panda by Quentin Bell
The Leprechaun Chronicles by Matthew Dovie
The Life and Times of William and Ellen Craft by Barbara Albers Jackson
The Light Bearer by Ewan Ansurius
The Loner by B. E. Marvis
The Long Trip Home by James Hsiao
The Longest Goodbye by Aaron Braxton
The Lost Gods of Memphis by Jon-Carlos Evans
The Love Jinx by Ervin Anderson
The Lutetia Paradox by A.J. Ferrara
The Maharaja by Amar Rehal
The Maiden and the King by Ronald Ecker
The Matron Saint by Bo Sanders
The Mayor of Hollywoodland by Gayle Jackson
The Melancholy Grim Reaper by Carla Bester
The Meshuga Method by Keshia Kola
The Method by Aaron Michael Bailey and Troy Fresch
The Midnight Tour by Chris Bolton
The Midnight Ventura by Gary Marion
The Mobster & The Priest by Anthony Montes
The Moor by Daphne Di Cinto
The Moss on the Stone by Corey Holmes
The Most Hated Man in New York by Josh Sorokach
The Mourners by Shan Cleland
The Mourning by Glenn Mercer
The Mythical Golden Trout by Craig Peters
The Nameless by Michael Wormald
The Narcissist and the Psychopath by Chris Pittas
The Nepman by Alex Ricciardi
The Neverlands: Hangman’s Tree by Jonathan Parker
The New West by Robin Russin
The Night We Killed James Marsden by Marianna de Ciutiis and Michelle de Ciutiis
The Nomadic Intern by Carlo DeCarlo
The Ones Who Got Away by Michael Fine
The Origin of Fear by Harvey Yazijian
The Other by David Rorie
The Outcast by Kieran Shea and David Osorio
The Owl by Sam Collins
The Perfect Filter by Todd Foley
The Pet Parents of New York by Jolie Dudley
The Pillar by Cris Vleck
The President’s Daredevils by Tim Fitzharris
The Price of Blood by Mitchell Martin
The Queen of Dairy by Vanessa Pegram
The Queen of Night by Seda Anbarci
The Queen’s Coiffeur by Will Bashor
The Queen’s Gambit by Matthew Stall
The Race by Alexander Platt, Slade Mead, and Winter Mead
The Real Witches of Salem by Vanessa Pegram
The Repatriots by Andrea Lawson
The Retrofitters by Tess Melvin
The Rez by Edward Bates
The Rogues’ Gallery Grand Prix by Stephen Polakiewicz
The Rule of Thirds by Andrea Turner
The Scarlet Hashtag by Anthony Truscello
The Sculptor by Kris Lippert
The Service by Edward Klau
The Shadow King by Chris Bolton
The Shaman by Christian Maxwell
The Shape-Shifter by Earl Thompson
The Shenandoah Experiment by Zack Van Eyck
The Shroud by Steven Fisher and Frank Hobbs
The Sound Side by Alex Blumberg and Mitchell Waranch
The Strays of Bellerophon by Andy Estrada
The Stroke After Midnight by Thuc Nguyen
The Strongest Girl by Jeff Bergquist
The Summoning by Lindy Hudis and Stephen Hudis
The Sweet Family by Sara Cooper
The T by JP Grant
The Táin by Luke Hart-Moynihan
The Therapist by Shaylene Keddy
The Third Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump by Bonnie Tunick
The Ties That Bind by Haley Dercher
The Trail: It Begins with Blood by Josh Hamelin
The True Story of Mary Brown, In Her Own Words by Angela Wilson
The Unseen by Shiva Ramanathan
The Unselfish Gene by Gabriell Debear Paye
The Unusual Suspect by Earl Thompson
The Warden of White Otter Castle by Darrell Clement
The Warm Season by Adam Seidel
The Web by Rachel Salaman
The Weeding by Steve Lucas
The Weekend Song by Adam Libarkin
The Wild Harts by Kim Hornsby
The Wild Holy by Caitlin Amans
The Windower by Logan Shaw
The Wolvener of Los Angeles by Shawn Waugh
The Woods by Trey Everett
The Wraith of Mrs. McGuire by George Petersen
The Years to Come… by John Guerra
The Youth by Diona Okunbo
Theodora: Actress, Empress, Whore, Spy, Saint by Amanda Miller
Theorem by Nathan McCoy
There goes the Neighbourhood by Tobias Tobbell
There You Are by Mackenzie Kyle
They Call Me Horseface by Brian Asman and Matt Smith
They’ll Eat You Alive! by Julia Griffin
Thicker than Water by Buki Koshoni
Thicker than Water by Ruthie Hanson
Thirstygirl by Alexandra Qin
This is Happening by SHannon Herbert
This is It by Berg Rosenberg
This is Not Revenge by David Pierotti
Thrash by Kieran Shea and David Osorio
Through Kaleidoscope Glass by Ryan Andrews
Thunder Buns by Micah Goldman and Griff Kohout
Time Zero by Carlo and Erin Carere
Timelines by Nicola Pennicott-Hall
Tin Can by Curtis Matzke
Tinsel Cop by Josiah Pitchforth
To Lie Beneath by Aaron Braxton
Tobacco Summer by Joyce Davidson
Token Idiots by Matthew Lutz
Tomb of Nosferatu by Per Berg
Tortured Souls by Clint Elliott
Tour Riders by Justin Olson
Trailer Park Samurai by Luke Baker
Transient by Freddy Boutros
Trapped by Vaughn Roste
Trapped in Plain Sight (aka The Puzzle) by Tammy Klembith
Trespassers by Jacques Edeline
Try Sometime by Clara York
Twicers by Era Ming
Unbridled Courage by Bruce Miles and Julia Phillips
Undefeated: The Dan Patch Story by Joshua Sellers
Under ‘S’ for Sucker by Peggy Hanna
Under the Clock by Wilke Durand
Under the Surface by Anna Abrashina
Underbelly by Sally Stubbs
Unicorn by Sheila Erdmann
Union 415 by Tony Savage
Uniquely American by Issachar Espineda
Unscripted by Erin Dooley
Untitled Love by Darya Perelay
Untitled Montauk Project by Jacques Edeline
Untitled Possession Script by Mark Davidson
Unwholly by Mark Smerchynskij
VAMP by Elko Espino
Vanguard by Brian Farrey-Latz
Vapor by Anthony Collins
Veil by Ginger Yifan Chen
Veritas Academy by Connor Pruss and Nanar Khamo
Vermin by Patricia Semler
Veronica by Elisa Guidelli, Elisa Guidelli, Martina Biscarini, and Ilaria Malvezzi
Vessel by Kristopher Garcia-Simms
Vienna Calling by Renate Grassmugg
View from the 59th Floor by Josh Taylor
Vodoun by Stuart Creque
Voice by Levi Buchanan and L. Kris Gowen
Walking Shadows by Tarrandip Bains
Walls & Balls by Ken Klein and Win Hahn
Walls by Evan Joslyn
Wanderland by Blake Williams
Want You Back by Mercedes Brazier-Thurman
Warbirds by Christina Hulen
Warm Brothers by William Gorgensen
We are Glass by Alyssa Jefferson
We Can’t Sleep by Chris Phillips
We Made a Zombie by B. Isabella Bodnar
We Said Forever by Levi Buchanan
WeirdMart by Steve Wisniewski
Welcome to Level 2 by Tina Long
Well by Janice Leverett
Western Approaches by Andrew Judge
What Now by Brittnee Larkins
What the Night Leaves Behind by Rob Sheely
What’s Your Sign? by Isobel Bradbury
When Gods Die by Richard Mauro
When in Rōhm by Vanisha Renee Pierce
When the Shadows Fall by Minh-Anh Vo Dinh
When We Were Gods by Richard Mauro
Where Rabbits Play by Cecil Green
Where We Met by Ginger Kearns
White Devil of Shanghai by Anton Diether
White Knight by Brian Tone
Who Gets Garrett? by Donovan Trott
Who is Patina Manly? by Daniel Cardone
Who the Fuck is Benjamin Davidoff by Benjamin Davidoff
Who Wants to be a Murderer? by Josh Berman and Janelle Goforth
Why the Wolf Howls by Eric Mulder
Widow Sims by Elizabeth Yanders
Wild Datura by Bernadett Belinda York
Will by Bruce Glassman
Win or Lose by Nubia Rahim
Winds of Transition by Sil Brook
Wisdom of the Ancients by Mark Perlick
Wish! by Marion Pilowsky and Lee Sellars
Wishing Well by Gary Bickal
Wispy by Daniel Clark
Witchblood by Richard Hohenrath
With Malice Toward None by Lee Field
Without a Sound by David Hughens
Wives Without Borders by Susan Hahn
World by Kyle Matthew Hamilton
World’s Mad Business by Rita Cooper
Wormholers by Maureen Monahan
Write or Die! by Christine OKeefe
X/WIND by Richard Pohl
Yellow Bird by Tony Jerris
Yellow West by Tyler Jones
You & I by Nilendra Fonseka
You Don’t Know Jack by Les Zig
You’re Out by Jennifer Romano
Youth by Edith Rodriguez
You’ve Got Scam by Brian Brockway
Yuanfen by Lynn Mills and Briana London
Zero Signal by Sebastian van Hoek
Zoe and the Zebra by Vicki Peterson
Zombie Kush by Kyle Little
Zom-body to Love by Joey Day Hargrove
Zoo For Monsters by Kim Lozelle
Zora by Varta Torossian