2022 Winners

Emerging Screenwriters Comedy Screenplay Competition

Grand Prize Winner

Rabbit Hole by Simon Kay


(Alphabetical Order by Title)

A Bourbon Tale by Tom Lockridge, Lucy Linger, and Jeff Day
Cesar and Max by Susan Klos
Death to Cinema by John Mahony
Deep Reservations by Dave Schroeder
El Thespian by Mandore Oviedo, John Deaver, and William Walker
Help Yourself by Susannah Bohlke
Home Grown by Christopher Taggart
Night of the Loving Dead by Donald Hauka
Rabbit Hole by Simon Kay
Slush Turtles by Celia Ramsey


(Alphabetical Order by Title)

24/7 by Eric Schinzer
A Bourbon Tale by Tom Lockridge, Lucy Linger, and Jeff Day
A Peek Behind the Curtains by Brian Schwab
Alien Hoax: A Love Story by Gary Lamb
Alphas by India Daughney
Altered Egos by Navid Nobakht
Beaten Senseless by Kai Martin
Becoming a Woman by Raquel Cedar
Blood Rush by Kevin Campbell
Breaking Peace by Suzy Miller
Burger Town by Nitai Penate
Capital Venture by Peter Macaluso
Cesar and Max by Susan Klos
Cheaters by Caitlin Gallo and Brittany Harris
Cherries by Matthew Sadowski
Comediennes by Jane Alcala
Cookieface by Ellen Gerstein
Death to Cinema by John Mahony
Deep Reservations by Dave Schroeder
Dick 2.0 by Henry Sarwer Foner and Noel Baker
Digger by Dave Wade
Drop Dead by Frankie Campisano
El Thespian by Mandore Oviedo, John Deaver, and William Walker
Elias by Emily O’Quinn Code
Eon by Marine Mondelot
Excuse Him Your Honor by Daniel Broderick
Expense Report by Joe Rendace
Family Value$ by Christopher Craig
Federico Erotico by David Stovall
Game of Homes by Wendy Wilkins
Go To Hell by Emanuel Borria and Benjamin Font
Gone Postal by Christy Rust
Hack Need by Dave Schroeder
Handitrapped by Jeff Stolzer
Heartbreak Hotel by Michael Holliday
Help Yourself by Susannah Bohlke
Home Grown by Christopher Taggart
Hot Toddy by Scott Cox
How the Yellow Mellow by Eljohn Macaranas
Ian Is Going to Jail by Anna Forsyth
Incredible Threats by Christopher Madden
Interesting Times by Keith Houk
Iron Phallus by Stephanie Kolar
Jesus & Ko. by Mack Velle
John Wicklebaumhausen by Jeff Walkley
Love-15 by Natalie Malizia
Mac The Knife by Jeff Coe
Money From the Sky by Ronald Ecker
Mr.Christmas by Maddy Hillis and Corina Bizim
Murder Me by David Luz
Musky Hole Rep by Lana Wilson and Brian Kahn
My Monster by David Carren
Nazareth High by Randy Steinlauf
Night of the Loving Dead by Donald Hauka
No Small Parts by Dean Cameron
Not Another Fairy Tale by Vanessa Pegram
On a Slow Boat by Keith Houk
One Hit Wonderland by Jack Caswell
Outback Drac by Andrew Hartley
Outdoorsman by Merlin Goldman
Poe & Co. Detective Agency by Mindy Strouse
Poor Girl by Jessica von Schramm
Pride & Prudence by Frances Evelyn Ervin
Prolly Shouldn’t’ve Done That by César Coronado
Put It In My Bottom by Wayne Middleton
Rabbit Hole by Simon Kay
Review by Jonathan Zarantonello
Road to Machu Picchu by Stewart Fergus
Running Start by Jillian Cardillo
Say What? by Stuart Forrest
Schrödinger’s Andy by Jim Griffin
Selma & Charlene by Melanie Schiele
Silent Cal by Claire McKey Berkman
Slush Turtles by Celia Ramsey
Soltera by Stephanie M Sanchez
Spider & Fly by Oliver Smith
Stone In Love by Jerrad Burford
Taming Holden Caulfield by Virginia Austin
Test of Strength by Danny Baram
The Anti-Comic by Steve Savitz
The D-Group by Lauren Schwein
The Dragon’s Candle: Surprise of the Century by Bryan Michael
The Dutchman by Robert Morgan Callahan
The Mentalverse by David Fein
The One and Only Buddy Rhodes by S. Christian Roe
The Porn Czar by Michael Elliott
The Practice Marriage by Stewart Fergus
The Private Sector by Benjamin King
The Showrunner by Ben Carter Olcott
The Unknowners by Stirling McLaughlin and Wilder Konschak
The White Rose by Al Anderson
T-Rexorcist: The Musical by Dana Hammer
Twenty-Five Years – Later by Monica Schimmer
Walking by Jeffrey Wank and Jonny Gentry
Wedding Slingers by Kyle Benham
Winning Season by Aaron Mobley
Without a Clue by Bill Blaney
Womankind by Mary Elbert Robbins
Work Weasels by John James Hickey and Jeremy Gurvits
Youth Court by Brandon Zachary


(Alphabetical Order by Title)

…Please Help Me by Claudia Rivera-Vazquez
24/7 by Eric Schinzer
25 Burgher Street by JE Parker
A Bourbon Tale by Tom Lockridge, Lucy Linger, and Jeff Day
A Peek Behind the Curtains by Brian Schwab
About Face by Robin Cloud
Absolute Zero by Bryce Hatch
Adolescence is Hell by C.S. Torres
Alien Abduction by Henry Lindley and Mark Jeffrey Miller
Alien Football Hero by Joel Karlinsky
Alien Hoax: A Love Story by Gary Lamb
Alphas by India Daughney
Altered Egos by Navid Nobakht
Atlantis Attacks by Hayden Black
Atomic Nights by Mario Mabe and Ryan Williams
Baby Lawyers by Connor Williams
Bad Pussycat by John Mahony
Ball Humbug by Heather Wilk
Beaten Senseless by Kai Martin
Becoming a Woman by Raquel Cedar
Big, Hot Sexxxynomics by Gregory Georgiou
Birth Mother of the Bride by Patrick McKenna
Blood Rush by Kevin Campbell
Blue State by Liz Beall
Body Cast by Aaron Sutch
Breaking Peace by Suzy Miller
Broadband by Vincent Scuro
Brothelbot by T Marie Benchley
Bubble by Leslie Danon
Burger Town by Nitai Penate
Burying Trash by J. J. Stein
By the Time I Got to Woodstock by Jeffrey Massie
Candide by Christian McDonald
Capital Venture by Peter Macaluso
Capture the Flag, Eh? by David McPete
Cecil’s Woods by CJ Hatch
Cesar & Max by Susan Klos
Cesar and Max by Susan Klos
Chasing Abigail by James Newton
Cheaters by Caitlin Gallo and Brittany Harris
Cherries by Matthew Sadowski
Children’s Party War by Warren Lane
Chubby Chasers by Michael Dugan
Codsucker Bay by John Whitcher
Comediennes by Jane Alcala
Cookieface by Ellen Gerstein
Cracked Aces by Jeff Zampino
Crime Wave by Tammy Klembith
Crown Genius by Helen Kenyon
Daddy Issues by Marisa Forrest
Dancing With Demons by Scherrie Payne
Dead Serious by Darko Mitrevski
Death by Education by James Barnard
Death to Cinema by John Mahony
Deep Reservations by Dave Schroeder
Delizioso! by Joe Borriello
Deniers by Chris Valenti
Dial It Back by Erin Elizabeth Keefer
Dibble and Dabble by alasdair mcmullan
Dick 2.0 by Henry Sarwer Foner and Noel Baker
Digger by Dave Wade
Dollface Assassins by Robin Sterling
Drop Dead by Frankie Campisano
Drug Wars: A Star Wars Parody by Matthew Pallamary
El Thespian by Mandore Oviedo, John Deaver, and William Walker
Elderly Arthur and the Residential of Gloom by Matthew Lowe
Elias by Emily O’Quinn Code
Eon by Marine Mondelot
Everybody Has to Surf by Heidi Dill and Christopher Dill
Excuse Him Your Honor by Daniel Broderick
Expense Report by Joe Rendace
Family Value$ by Christopher Craig
Fancy Drew by Molly Brady
Federico Erotico by David Stovall
Field of Weeds by Kelly Jean Karam
Film School by Nadia Bonner
Fire Academy by Terence Brody
Forever Love by Sean Reidy
Fourplay by Jeanne Grandilli
Frida Does Flamenco by Eva Midgley
Game of Homes by Wendy Wilkins
Get Schlossed by Stewart Fergus
Girls Gone 50 by Steffany Sommers
Go To Hell by Emanuel Borria and Benjamin Font
Gone Postal by Christy Rust
Granny DJ by Karen Matthews
Gulp! by John Whitcher
Gus Klowndaemon: Children’s Entertainer by Graham Johnson
Hack Need by Dave Schroeder
Handitrapped by Jeff Stolzer
Haunted Heart by Mike Bencivenga
Heartbreak Hotel by Michael Holliday
Help Yourself by Susannah Bohlke
Home Grown by Christopher Taggart
Hostage by Rick Dunning
Hot Toddy by Scott Cox
How the Yellow Mellow by Eljohn Macaranas
I Be You and You Be Me by Diana Bond
Ian Is Going to Jail by Anna Forsyth
Ice Rink…The Musical by Stephen Krespel
Incredible Threats by Christopher Madden
Interesting Times by Keith Houk
Iri$ by Carrie Fishbane
Iron Phallus by Stephanie Kolar
It’s Only Sexy if it’s True by Abriana Soll
Jack ‘N Lee by Larry Portzline
Jane Doe by Christopher Taggart
Jenny… In Training by Steve Abramson
Jesus & Ko. by Mack Velle
John Wicklebaumhausen by Jeff Walkley
Joint Venture by Meg Ryan
Judy’s Search for God by Dave Wade
Julie and Romeo by Lyn Pinezich
Julius V – Warrior Pope by Steve Guettermann
Karen, The Spy by L.J. Sellers
Kill My Sister Please! by David Sloman
Krandyland by Keith Allan
Laca, Loco by Shiva Sawyer
Last Resort by Alex Leopardi and Sean McKenzie
Little Green Mend by Linda Whitmore and Brian Menz
Long Term Care by Eric Irizarry and Brian Geiger
Love-15 by Natalie Malizia
Mac The Knife by Jeff Coe
Manifesting My Soulmate by C.S. Torres
March by Julie Manriquez and Hannelore Manriquez
Married Singles by Wendy Moulton Tate
Me & My Shadow by Mary Regan
Mobnoxious by Frank Vespe
Money From the Sky by Ronald Ecker
More to Say by Toni Berrie
Mr.Christmas by Maddy Hillis and Corina Bizim
Multiverse 58 by Shiva Sawyer
Murder Me by David Luz
Musky Hole Rep by Lana Wilson and Brian Kahn
My Boyfriend the Drag Queen by Abby Cohen
My Imaginary Girlfriend by Jonathan Skurnik
My Monster by David Carren
My Space Therpay by Nate Raven
Nazareth High by Randy Steinlauf
Never Again by Sean Jones
Night of the Chihuahua by W Michael Griffith
Night of the Loving Dead by Donald Hauka
No Small Parts by Dean Cameron
Not Another Fairy Tale by Vanessa Pegram
Oh My Gods! by Stewart Fergus
Ok Boomer by Stan Evans
Old Buddies by PK Silverson
On a Slow Boat by Keith Houk
One Hit Wonderland by Jack Caswell
Our Four Fathers by Travis Myles
Outback Drac by Andrew Hartley
Outdoorsman by Merlin Goldman
Papa Bear by Michael Swaim and Abraham Epperson
Passport by Bob Crandall and and Bruce Dunn
Pig & Bear by Tommy Heleringer
Plume Raiders by Jeff Zampino
Poe & Co. Detective Agency by Mindy Strouse
Poor Girl by Jessica von Schramm
Pride & Prudence by Frances Evelyn Ervin
Private by Mark Simborg
Prolly Shouldn’t’ve Done That by César Coronado
Psych Tech by Tami Ryder
Put It In My Bottom by Wayne Middleton
Rabbit Hole by Simon Kay
Review by Jonathan Zarantonello
Road to Machu Picchu by Stewart Fergus
Rock N Horse by Debi Calabro
Running Start by Jillian Cardillo
Sail, Ho! by Andrew Smith
Say What? by Stuart Forrest
Scapegoat! by Nan Schmid
Schrödinger’s Andy by Jim Griffin
Selma & Charlene by Melanie Schiele
Seniors by Roy Sekoff and Jeff Stolzer
Shoulda Swiped Left by Michael Dugan
Silent Cal by Claire McKey Berkman
Skinny Dipping by Harvey Yazijian
Slush Turtles by Celia Ramsey
Soltera by Stephanie M Sanchez
South Park Spec by Daniel Rudin
Spider & Fly by Oliver Smith
Sprockets by Martyn Ellington
Stay Hungry by Richard Giarraffa
Staying Alive by Franck Benayoun
Stone In Love by Jerrad Burford
Stone Street Sorcery by Devin Crossett
Sunday Guy by Joleene DesRosiers
Supermarket Zombies (You Are What You Eat!) by Rick Dunning
Taming Holden Caulfield by Virginia Austin
Templars in Space by Max Sartor
Test of Strength by Danny Baram
The Anti-Comic by Steve Savitz
The Dance by Xavier West
The Dangerous Derangements of Doc Halloween by Nick Hurwitch
The D-Group by Lauren Schwein
The Disruptor by Jeffrey Field
The Dragon’s Candle: Surprise of the Century by Bryan Michael
The Dutchman by Robert Morgan Callahan
The Envy of Ledd by Gary Irons
The Fake Fischmans by Dan Amernick
The Florida Man Conspiracy by Stephanie Kolar
The Four O’Clock by Jeff Stolzer and Michael Friday
The Great Divide by Robert Keller
The Half by Alan Kelly
The Joke’s on You by Dan Olds
The Lemonade Seller by Bob Ingraham
The Marlboro Men by T. Camponeschi
The Marriage Contract by Barbara Albers Jackson
The Mentalverse by David Fein
The Mentalverse by David Hunter Fein
The Mythical Golden Trout by Craig Peters
The Oddfather by Adam Farhi
The One and Only Buddy Rhodes by S. Christian Roe
The Porn Czar by Michael Elliott
The Practice Marriage by Stewart Fergus
The Private Sector by Benjamin King
The Queen of Dairy by Vanessa Pegram
The Real Prom Queens of Westfield High by Laurie Ann Crompton
The Return Of “Power Girl” by Ray Spruill
The Rom Con by Brent Stratton
The Service by Salvatore Mascali
The Showrunner by Ben Carter Olcott
The Substitutes by Stephen Krespel
The Swindle by Kevin Statham
The Umbrella Guy by Adam Westervelt
The Unknowners by Stirling McLaughlin and Wilder Konschak
The White Rose by Al Anderson
The Wrong News, Again by Ld Janakos
Time-Jerk by Christian McDonald
Timesquid Pilot by Rob Nightingale
Tip Toe by Seth Conley
T-Minus 100 by Terri Emerson
T-Rexorcist: The Musical by Dana Hammer
Trolling by Genna Rivieccio
Twenty-Five Years – Later by Monica Schimmer
Walking by Jeffrey Wank and Jonny Gentry
Wedding Slingers by Kyle Benham
Welcome to Highville by David White
We’re All Nuts Here by Marc McCutcheon
We’ve Got Louie! by Chuck Conaway
White Palace by William Zide
Who’s Got the Gun? by Robert Drusetta
Winning Season by Aaron Mobley
With a Capital C by Anthony J Stampalia and Elaine Langley
Without a Clue by Bill Blaney
Wizard’s Duel by Matthew Corley
Womankind by Mary Elbert Robbins
Wordlotto by Thomas Lopilato
Work Weasels by John James Hickey and Jeremy Gurvits
Youth Court by Brandon Zachary