2023 Winners

Emerging Screenwriters Genre Screenplay Competition

Grand Prize Winner

Marlowe by Simon Bowler Khan

Genre Winners


Zero Line by Timothy Kontje


Twenty-Five Years Later by Monica Schimmer


Crisis of Conscience by Jaye Lowe


Mr. Christmas by Kevin Dembinsky


Marlowe by Simon Bowler Khan


The Siren’s Revenge by Ellie Anthony


Red Tape by Zach Witt


Action/Adventure Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Guns of Perdition by Jim Spivey
Ilion by Joshua Silverstein
Insurrection by Simon Bowler Khan
King of Pain by David Page
My Cousin’s Car by Andrew Goldmeier
Overachievers by Cynthia Mersten
TARO: Legend of Japan by Blue Spruell
The Down Window by Silvano-Mari Robinson
The Pale Horse by Kyle Rizor
Zero Line by Timothy Kontje

Comedy Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Christ is Back by Laurence Rosier Staines
Colette by Steve Coy
El Thespian by Mandore Oviedo and Johnny Deaver
Family Value by Qaseem Fazal
Gone South by Jamaal Pittman
Gym’s by Brett Joyce
Pick by Bernhard Riedhammer
Topher & Nate & the Invaders From Mars by Ryan Dooley
Twenty-Five Years Later by Monica Schimmer
Unexplainable by Jason Ginsburg

Drama Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Brain Games by Alan Schwarz
Bright Morning Star by Michael Petty
Club Drama by Kelly Cochran-Yzquierdo
Crisis of Conscience by Jaye Lowe
Five Fathers by Aron Flasher
ForHire by Giovani Lampassi
Honjo by Angelo Rocha and John Lubarsky
Star and the Crescent Moon by Parviz Saghizadeh
The Dark Art of Self-Preservation by Jessica Sanders
The Next King by Kyle J. Scimone

Family/Holiday Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

A Jersey Christmas Movie by Brian Gene White and Laura Napoli
Cherry Park by Joseph Hooten
Feliz Navidad by Jessica von Schramm
Friendsgiving by Brittney Michelle
Keanu Reeves Is My Muse, My Son Is a Dragon by Phoenix Black
Love in the Spotlight by Jennifer Bonner
Mr. Christmas by Kevin Dembinsky
The Naughty List by Kristen Crocker
Unhaunted by John Bruno
Walt by Jordan Smith

Historical/Biographical Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

A Labour of Love by Olga Holtz
Bearcats by Monica Foley
Mad Nellie by Bridget Visser
Marlowe by Simon Bowler Khan
Myall by Vaughn Roste
Small World by Eric Glawe
The Blakeneys by Brigid May
The Fighting Carpenter by Rory Lawie
The Last Queen’s Painter by Lindsey Galloway
The Right Hand of God by Robert Vink

Sci-Fi/Fantasy Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Battleground by Richard Rivera
Damsels and Dragons by Avery Koenig
Feed the Flame by Chris Hill
Fly Away by Chaz Pruchhnicki
Ghost in the Machine by Sam Collins
Incarnations by Albert M. Chan
Lost Time by Ben Hickernell
Space Accountants by John DiStefano and Mark DiStefano
The Harvest by Julie Pifher
The Siren’s Revenge by Ellie Anthony

Suspense Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Bleak Oblivion by Christian Rousseau
Ganzfeld by Matthew Breault
Kodoku by Paul Marano
Night Blooming Jasmine by Jennifer Weber
Possessed AF by Isabella Bodnar
Primeval by Drew Hellmich
Re.form(ed) By Johnny Gilligan
Red Tape by Zach Witt
Run On by H.A. Young
Sheep or (If You Scream on an Island and No One Hears It Does It Make a Sound?) By Sune Sorensen


Action/Adventure Semi-Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Alethia by Wes Chick and Alexander Lawrence
Battle for the Godstones by Brenda Boddy
Beamers by Richard Morris
Charley’s River by Ron Horton
Dog Dash by Matt Lewis
Guns of Perdition by Jim Spivey
HitMom by Colin MacLeod and Jamie Summers
Ilion by Joshua Silverstein
Insurrection by Simon Bowler Khan
Kill Me Now by Erin Darling and Erica Rhodes
King of Pain by David Page
Knight Fight! by James Mulcahy
Lone Wolves by Luci Olivia
Mad Scientists by David Page
My Cousin’s Car by Andrew Goldmeier
Overachievers by Cynthia Mersten
Reckoning by Jordan Duron
Red Lion by Peter Banachowski
Sisters CIA by Ricki Holmes
TARO: Legend of Japan by Blue Spruell
The Down Window by Silvano-Mari Robinson
The Lighthorseman by Bruce Dundore
The Pale Horse by Kyle Rizor
Top Fighters by Dan Cerruti
Zero Line by Timothy Kontje

Comedy Semi-Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Calamityville by Brandy Kanatzar
Cancel Me by Avery Koenig
Christ is Back by Laurence Rosier Staines
Colette by Steve Coy
Cultish by Michael Mortimer
El Thespian by Mandore Oviedo and Johnny Deaver
Family Value by Qaseem Fazal
Gone South by Jamaal Pittman
Gym’s by Brett Joyce
Hysterically Accurate by Melinda Layden
L*O*V*I*N*G L*I*F*E by Colin Francis Costello
My Imaginary Girlfriend by Jonathan Skurnik
OBIT by Jaydn Stepick
Pick by Bernhard Riedhammer
Rumspringa by Finnegan Haid and Jake Haddock
Say What? By Stuart Forrest
Stan the (Wolf)Man by Justin Scott
The Announcer by Jacob Chattman and Jordan Butcher
The Ramblers by James Hickey
The Virgin Marys by Steven Bolia
Topher & Nate & the Invaders From Mars by Ryan Dooley
Twenty Five Years – Later by Monica Schimmer
Unexplainable by Jason Ginsburg
Valium Times Day by Mage Lanz and Susan Sassi
Zombie Kush by Kyle Little

Drama Semi-Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Back to this Bullshit by Octavius Turner
Border Justice by Brenda Boddy
Brain Games by Alan Schwarz
Bright Morning Star by Michael Petty
Club Drama by Kelly Cochran-Yzquierdo
Crisis of Conscience by Jaye Lowe
Five Fathers by Aron Flasher
ForHire by Giovani Lampassi
Honjo by Angelo Rocha and John Lubarsky
Hook by Victoria deMartin
King of the Road by Rollin Jewett
Lawless State by Sandra Webb Smith
Life During Wartime by Mark Bowes
Soul•Ace by ROI Costa
Stalag Dixie by L Morris
Star and the Crescent Moon by Parviz Saghizadeh
The Cricket by Gabe Berry
The Dark Art of Self-Preservation by Jessica Sanders
The Last Thing I Do by C. E. Simon
The New Hospital by Kelsey Llewellyn
The New Marilyn Club by Marval A Rex
The Next King by Kyle J. Scimone
Vitals by Nelson Downend
Voices by Susan Klos
Wretched Strangers by Eric Schabla

Family/Holiday Semi-Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

A Jersey Christmas Movie by Brian Gene White and Laura Napoli
Cherry Park by Joseph Hooten
Dr. Claus by James Sismanes
E. Bunny by Dayle Dodds
Father Christmas by Nick Alverson
Feliz Navidad by Jessica von Schramm
Ficklestiffs by Bill Burton
Forts by Josh Shelton
Friendsgiving by Brittney Michelle
Jenna Finds a Dog by Terence Rousseau
Keanu Reeves Is My Muse, My Son Is a Dragon by Phoenix Black
Letting Go by Estes Tarver
Love in the Spotlight by Jennifer Bonner
Mr. Christmas by Kevin Dembinsky
Our Hidden Selves by Brian Danforth
Peeling Lentils by Sabine Buchanan
Santa Claus Keeps Holding Out on Me by Ronald Ecker
Space on Earth by Jem Splitter
The Naughty List by Kristen Crocker
The Quest for Blattopia by Dominic White
The Ruff Rescuers by Melinda Wick
The Sunshine State by Joseph Hooten
The Twelve Dishes of Christmas Eve by Martha Caprarotta
Unhaunted by John Bruno
Walt by Jordan Smith

Historical/Biographical Semi-Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

A Labour of Love by Olga Holtz
Aktion T-4 by John Martins III
Bearcats by Monica Foley
Coldwater by Craig Berger
Dr. Needmore by Lucy Fazely
For Love of Country by Ron Basso
In Transit by Julia Bucci
Just One Inch by Georgette Skolnick
Ludlow by Sarah Kennedy
Mad Nellie by Bridget Visser
Marlowe by simon bowler khan
Myall by Vaughn Roste
Picnik by Richard Kitchen
Placebo by Kate Johnson
Pustka by Edel Dmytro Oksamyt
Rock and Roll Soccer by Evan Balkan
Schadenfreude by Simran Khalsa
Small World by Eric Glawe
The Biggest Little Town in Baseball by Matthew Rymer
The Blakeneys by Brigid May
The Fighting Carpenter by Rory Lawie
The Last Queen’s Painter by Lindsey Galloway
The Protégée by Sean Fitz-Gerald
The Right Hand of God by Robert Vink
Wolf’s Head by Samuel Anderson

Sci-Fi/Fantasy Semi-Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

A War to End All Wars by Kyle T. Cowan
Aura by Dan Southard
Battleground by Richard Rivera
Chasing the Dark by Mike Bencivenga
Damsels and Dragons by avery koenig
Feed the Flame by Chris Hill
Fly Away by Chaz Pruchhnicki
Future King by Dawn Prato
Ghost in the Machine by Sam Collins
Incarnations by Albert M. Chan
Infection by Matthew Dixon
Lost Time by Ben Hickernell
Nation One by Beverly Chukwu
Neon Anatomy by Vincent Smarra
North Star by Joseph Vidal
Protect Your Young by Benjamin Frohman
Rainier by Peter Roach
Savant by Johnny Gilligan
Space Accountants by John DiStefano and Mark DiStefano
The City Under Glass by RA Peterson
The Drome by Hunter Davis
The Harvest by Julie Pifher
The Lady and The Tiger by Sam Caton
The Pulse by Blair Nishkian
The Siren’s Revenge by Ellie Anthony

Suspense Semi-Finalists

(Alphabetical Order by Title)

Autentico by Matt Whigham
Black Shaman by Xueli Han
Bleak Oblivion by Christian Rousseau
Dead Children’s Playground by Dawn Crouch
Deep Down by Jesse Laurie
Diary of a Jesuit by Arthur Fishel
Fade Out by Marty Howe
Ganzfeld by Matthew Breault
Gather the Ashes by Vikash Shankar
Kodoku by Paul Marano
Night Blooming Jasmine by Jennifer Weber
Nod by John Palfery-Smith
Oikos by Raphael Duhamel
Possessed AF by Isabella Bodnar
Primeval by Drew Hellmich
Re.form(ed) By Johnny Gilligan
Red Tape by Zach Witt
Run On by H.A. Young
Sheep or (If You Scream on an Island and No One Hears It Does It Make a Sound?) By Sune Sorensen
Taser by David M Hinds
The Devil Will Hang by Andrew Fuhr
The Hole in the Woods by Rachel Greenhoe
The Scam by Chelsea Kania
Ugly Sweaters by Chris Hicky
We Have to Get Out of Here! by Andrew Nisinson


(Alphabetical Order by Title)

1 Black Girl’s Fairytale by Celeste Banks
114.5 Park Street by Joseph Rocco
12 Steps by Ucha Echeozo
2032 by Daniel Padbury
A Chef’s Tale: The REAL Story of Cornelius Carter by Marky Hinojosa and Zach Carter
A Christmas Pirouette by Abi Smith
A Cop And A Vampire Walk Into A Bar by Boris Coll
A Couple Twisted Nights in L.A. by Jackson Stone
A Doggone Christmas by Michael Toay and Travis Mann
A Fugue for Annabel by John Herndon
A Jersey Christmas Movie by Brian Gene White and Laura Napoli
A Labour of Love by Olga Holtz
A Model Woman by Owen Zabor
A Pair of Au Pairs by Jonathan Sims
A Reckoning Beckons by Lynwood Shiva Sawyer
A Snow Globe Christmas by Dee Raffo
A True Crime by Tom Knoblauch and Will Forget
A War to End All Wars by Kyle T. Cowan
A.fter D.eath C.onsultants for Hire by Jordan Oliver
Abandoned Pictures by Ed Johnson
Above the Orange Trees by Bill Freas
Æ’/8 by Bobby Rodriguez and Daniel Kellmer
After School Special by Matthew Hoch and Navaris Darson
After the Deluge by Matthew Parvin
Agency of Record by Donald McKinney
Airbags by Jessica Fraser, Corrine Hunt and Patrick Holden
Aktion T-4 by John Martins III
Alethia by Wes Chick and Alexander Lawrence
Alien Winter by Ted Kuepper
Aliquippa Island by James Sims II
Aliwood by Ali Zahiri
Alkebulan by Shannon Baker Davis and Glenda Cox
All in the Cards by Nathan Wildes
All Kinds of Dead by Vincent Stoia
All the Movies I Saw with Allyson by Andy Maycock
Aloha State by Alexandra Amadio
Alpha 8 by Stephanie Elie
Alta California by Lynn Elliott
Amazons by Kathryn Orwig
America’s Playground by Matt McFadden
And Still Champion… by Jackie Letkowski
Anima by Daniel Dou
Ankh by Jamie McMillan
Another’s Life by Justin Sloan
APACHE by Adam Seidel
Apocalypse, Schmacalypse by Melissa Kong
Arlis by Zoë Hodge
Arnie & Irene by Paul Spreadbury
Ascension by Jared Iversen
Ashes to Ashes by Samantha Brennan
Asteroids by Matthew Kelcourse
Athelstane, the Very Brave by Bryan Howell
Atoll by Cate Carson
Atomic Mercenary Corgi by Xavier Burgin
Aughts by Brittany Chase
Aura by Dan Southard
Autentico by Matt Whigham
Autumn in September by Philip Oyok
Ayahuasca by Mick Montesi
B.A.L.L.A.D. by Lucas Abreu and Zachary Arthur
Back to this Bullshit by Octavius Turner
Bad African by Celine Tshika
Bad Blood by Aaron Campbell
Bad Business by Andrew Adams
Bad Neighbors by Ervin Anderson
Bad Pussycat by John Mahony
Bad Seeds by Sean Nash
Bakken Empire by Mark DiPaola
Bandit War by Michael Angelella and Jim Knotts
Bastion by Joel Buxton
Battle for the Godstones by Brenda Boddy
Battleground by Richard Rivera
Beamers by Richard Morris
Bearcat by Tavyn Gentry
Bearcats by Monica Foley
Beauty King by Annie Grace
Behind Her Reflection by Kay Kestner
Bellwether by Shannon Amborn
Best Life Ever by Tina Gandhi
Between a Fork & Chopsticks by Kim Putman
Beyond Babylon by Eden De Ruse-Moore
Beyond the Mountain by Mark Higgins
Big Time by Rhiannon Maria
Bill, God of War by Joshua Dillon
Black Rain by Fraser Denholm
Black Shaman by Xueli Han
Black Sun by Itziar Varas
Black Wall Street by Anand Fozard-McCall
Blameless by Tashema Alexander
Bleak Oblivion by Christian Rousseau
Blind Justice by Awungjia Foretia
Blink Twice for HELL NAWWW by Otis Hooper
Blood Debt by Jonathan Wickremasinghe-Kuhn
Blood Manor by Sterling Daniels
Bloodlines by David George
Bloodsuckers by Liam Phillips and Atlee Phillips
Blue Dreams by Jonathan Samuel
Blue Hour by Nancy Froeschle
Blue Winter by Madison Sean Flannery
Bodies in the Mist by Clarissa Charron
Bog Water by Jonathan Weisbrod
Border Dogs by T. Siena
Border Justice by Brenda Boddy
Brain Games by Alan Schwarz
Breaking Peace by Suzy Miller
Breather by Barry Staff
Bright Morning Star by Michael Petty
Broken Vessels by Andrew Adams
Brothers in Arms by Eloise Healey
Bubble by Leslie Danon
Bull by Chris Bonneau
Buried Lies by Elise Marenson
Butch by Rae Binstock
Buzz Kill by Timothy Grant
Caine and Able by Dev Ross
Calamity Jen by Geoffrey Scheer
Calamityville by Brandy Kanatzar
Calling an Audible for Christmas by Todd McGee
Cancel Me by Avery Koenig
Canusa Street by Zack Morrison
Cartel Del Toro by Marty Morrisroe
Casus Belli by Kathryn Orwig
Cat Whisperer by Susan Sassi
Catch! by Paul Rosengren
Cecil’s Woods by CJ Hatch and Kevin Renshaw
Charley’s River by Ron Horton
Chasing Skirt by Roy Coombs
Chasing the Dark by Mike Bencivenga
Cherry Park by Joseph Hooten
Chilmark by Stephen Nolly
Chosen by Beverly Smith-Dawson
Christ is Back by Laurence Rosier Staines
Cinderfella by Todd McGee
City Boys by Justen Ramsey
City Over the Edge by Gregory Livingston
Clammy Sammy by Lilliana Winkworth
Clearwater by Heather McDonald
Club Drama by Kelly Cochran-Yzquierdo
Coldwater by Craig Berger
Colette by Steve Coy
Company by Dan Southard
Company Town by Sean Riordan
Copycats by Matt Manser
Corvus Project by Taylor Sezen
Cottontail by Sander Gusinow
Counter Earth by Ryan Vaughn
Countess by Matt Taylor
Cover Crop by Jeffrey Howe
Crash by Marie Jones
Crisis of Conscience by Jaye Lowe
Crossed Swords by Alex Shifman
Cruel Pecans by Jonny Flores
Cryptolantes by Shiva Sawyer
Cultish by Michael Mortimer
Culty by Melissa Balint
Cycle by Alan Sim
Daddy by Corey Camperchioli
Daisy by Theo Luoma
Daisy Chain by Francisco Castro
Damsels and Dragons by Avery Koenig
Dark Matter by Olga Holtz
Dark, Dark Matter by Chris Jupitz and Jessica Anguiano
Darkness Within by Juhani Nurmi
Daytime Vampire by Laurel Nicholson
De Brocas by Jenn Fonteyn
Dead Children’s Playground by Dawn Crouch
Dead Instead by Rachel Sudbeck
Dead Serious by Darko Mitrevski
Deadstick by Stephen Barber
Dear Dad by Candy Fox
Deep Down by Jesse Laurie
Deep Reservations by Dave Schroeder
Delizioso! by Joe Borriello
Deniers by Chris Valenti
Desdemona by Nelson Downend
Desolation by Frank Kelly
Detention by Steve Coy and John Ferraro
Devil’s Snare by Richard Bailey
Diabolica by Robb Badlam
Diamond Payback by Craig Weeden
Diary of a Countess by Stuart Creque and Bea Egeto
Diary of a Jesuit by Arthur Fishel
Dick and Leo Fight a Monster by William DeWitt
Dick by Omeed Boghraty
Dicks by Cristi Rumpza
Did You Say Blood? by James Yantko
Die Ahle (The Awl) by Adam Kelly Morton
DMV: Department of Murder & Violence by Zachary Brown
Doctor Azsaul by Lachlan Pirie
Dog Dash by Matt Lewis
Dollars and Nonsense by Robyn Swanson
Don’t Cry by Stefan Alexander and Anthony Guilianti
Dope Friend by Matt Ferrucci
Dr. Claus by James Sismanes
Dr. Needmore by Lucy Fazely
Dr. Neves by Julia M Sauder
Dragonland by Jason Jacobson and Michelle Trantina
Dramaville, USA by Aiden Kutcher
Dumbing Down by Christi Carter
Dungeons & Dopeness by Michael Seminerio
Dysphoria by Tammy Yourzek
E. Bunny by Dayle Dodds
El Cucuy by Shane Redding
El Thespian by Mandore Oviedo and Johnny Deaver
Elderly Arthur and the Residential of Gloom by Matthew Lowe
Electric Peak by Eric Maus
Escape From Pet Heaven by Avery Koenig
Esperanza by David Christopher Loya
Fade Out by Marty Howe
Fairyland by Granville Oluikpe
Fallstreak by Kyle Curry
Family Value by Qaseem Fazal
Family Value$ By Christopher Craig
Father Christmas by Nick Alverson
Fear Family by Craig Hillman
Fear The Hollers by brett elam
Feed the Flame by Chris Hill
Feliz Navidad by Jessica von Schramm
Ficklestiffs by Bill Burton
Film Fatale by Angel Christo
Fire Camp by Steven Holleran
Fireflies by Amanda Keener
First Blooded by Kenya Collins
Fisticuffs by Rich Gallagher
Five Fathers by Aron Flasher
Flamethrower by Kev Quaid
Fly Away by Chaz Pruchhnicki
Fly Girls by Deborah Seibel
For Love of Country by Ron Basso
Forget Me Not by Christopher Carlson
Forgotten Depths by Ted Bronson
Forgotten Wisdom by David Sagal
ForHire by Giovani Lampassi
Forts by Josh Shelton
Francesca’s Passion by Lisa Mouhibian
Frederick Douglass: An American Slave by Sean Coons
Friends In-Law by Josh Sorokach
Friendsgiving by Brittney Michelle
Fuglys by Steve Blame
Fun Fact Millionaire by Luis Pun
Future King by Dawn Prato
G.O.D. OS by David Christopher Loya
Galileo by Cristina Love
Game of Homes by Wendy Wilkins
Ganzfeld by Matthew Breault
Garden of the Gods by Bryan Kish
Gaslighting in the 21st Century by Aviyah Abrams
Gather the Ashes by Vikash Shankar
Gender Perfect by brian wapole
Gentrified by Aaron Braxton
Ghost in the Machine by Sam Collins
Give Me Liquor, or Give Me Death by Wayne Wiggins and Bill Saporito
Gleason’s by Jess Waters
God of the Woods by Kent Moran
Gods by Vincent Stoia
Going Native! by Ian Trutt
Gold Mountain Express by Gene Lassers
Golden Blood by Michael Esparza
Gone South by Jamaal Pittman
Good Cuban Girls by Sophia Costanzo
Goodnight Mr. Moonlight by Brett Orr
Goofy Foot by Richard Redlo
Guard. Dog. by James Mayson
Guns of Perdition by Jim Spivey
Gym’s by Brett Joyce
Hack Attack by James Gould
Hack Need by Dave Schroeder
Hail Mary by Rachel Benaissa
Handhaven by Kristen Wade
Happy Jacks by Todd Morgano
Hear Me Roar by Lynwood Shiva Sawyer
Heather Isle by Eloise Healey
Heirheads by Mike Nielsen and Kevin Robertson
Hell is For Children by Daniel Bateman
Her Name is Alex by Paula Murrain
Hidden Courage by Bruno Gonzalez
HitMom by Colin MacLeod and Jamie Summers
Holiday Hitman by Hope McPherson
Holly by Jeff Williams
Hollywood & Vine by Annie Darek
Holy Man by Michael Petty
Holy Sh*t: An Ungodly Romance by Laila Abdo
Honjo by Angelo Rocha and John Lubarsky
Hook by Victoria deMartin
Hopium by JD Wallace and Jennifer Donohue
How to Say Goodbye by Colton Childs
Humanity by Allen R
Hysterically Accurate by Melinda Layden
I Do by Natalie Hunter
I Love My Rabbi by Rachel Winton
I Was a Human Pineapple by Bryan Howell
Icewater by Bo Bigelow
If It Rains by Bruce Dundore
If You Go Down to the Woods Today… By Alan Devey
Ilion by Joshua Silverstein
I’m Part… by Mike Nielsen
Immortal by Maria Bruzhayte
Impregnation by Lauren Certo
In Love With Elon by Kim Saltarski
In Sects by Alishan Valiani
In the Lake of Fire by Blake Robbins
In Transit by Julia Bucci
Incarnations by Albert M. Chan
Infection by Matthew Dixon
Injustice by Dave Latorture
Insurrection by Simon Bowler Khan
Into the Fire by Adam Fidler
It Happened Along the Road by Mark Clark
Jaegerfell by A. D. Smith
Jenna Finds a Dog by Terence Rousseau
Jericho by Ben Johnson
Jersey Devil by Carlo DeCarlo
Jo Centauri by Val Stulman and Rob Rinow
Jobber by David Fried
Julie d’Aubigny by Serena McIntire
Juliet Is Fine by Rachel Benaissa
June War by Clea MontvilleWood
Just a Game by Paul Destefano
Just One Inch by Georgette Skolnick
Kali on the Ropes by Ali Choucri
Kandlestick Men by Frank Monteleone
Kane by Benjamin Reeves
Karma by Tyra Hughes
Keanu Reeves Is My Muse, My Son Is a Dragon by Phoenix Black
Keeper by R.L. Hooker
Keepsakes Christmas by Rich Orstad
Kentucky Blood by T. Siena
Kill Me Now by Erin Darling and Erica Rhodes
King of Pain by David Page
King of the Road by Rollin Jewett
Kiss of Darkness by Michael McClung
Kitteritch by Leah Simmons
Knife School by Mitch Bechtold
Knight Fight! by James Mulcahy
Kodoku by Paul Marano
L*O*V*I*N*G L*I*F*E by Colin Francis Costello
La Machine Infernale by David Fakrikian
La Otra Cara by Claudia Rivera-Vazquez
Ladies of Fortune by Ruthie Hanson
Lady Killer by Finn Whitney
Lafayette by Marshall Ferrin
Lake Blaine by Rachel Bateman
Lake Shore Harbor by Gary White
Last Resort by Simon Ludgate
Lawless State by Sandra Webb Smith
Letting Go by Estes Tarver
Leverage by Michelle La
Lickerish by Louisa Hatfield
Life & Times of Stagecoach Mary by Norman Jones
Life During Wartime by Mark Bowes
Life of Malchus by Joel Searls
Life or Death News by Charlie Fay
Lightless by Colton Tanner
Like an Animal by David Page
Liquid Night by Alexis Kirke
Little Chinatown by Bethany White and Patrick Crellin
Little Deutschland by Jordan Prescott and Matt Tribble
Little Green Mend by Brian Menz
Little Moose Patrol by Philip Sassi
Living Wild – Alaska by Dorene Lorenz
Lizard Uncle by John DiStefano and Mark DiStefano
Logos by Alexander Blum
London Dry by Helen Watts
Lone Wolves by Luci Olivia
Looking for Lily by Nicholas Lal
Looking Over My Shoulder by John Ellis
Looming in the Swamps by Jonathan Samuel
Lost in Cupidity by Erica Owens
Lost Time by Ben Hickernell
Love and Other Bloody Messes by Brian McGrath
Love in the Spotlight by Jennifer Bonner
Loving Liberty by Harvey Yazijian
Ludlow by Sarah Kennedy
Mad Art Gallery by Diane Lansing
Mad Nellie by Bridget Visser
Mad Scientists by David Page
Madam Ching Pirate Queen by Brad Farris
Madeline and the Submarine by Andrew Green
Madonnas by Fabrizio Muscia
Maestra by Susan Polk
Maharib ‘Anthaa (Female Warrior) by Angela Tuck
Man Brush by Shawn Nolan
Man’s World by Alexander Julian III
Marina Wants to Be a Spinster by Eric McKeever
Marlowe by Simon Bowler Khan
Marshal Bass Law by Sterling Daniels
Mary [Redacted] by Phae Amara
Medicated by Angie McDowell
Merciless by Adina Kruskal and Chasey Ridgley
Merry Karishmas by Jasmine Aziz
Metaverse by Kristina Denton and Ryan Curtis
Millions of Miles From Here by Catherine Clark
Mind of Another by Jacob Lewis
Mirage by Andrew Warren
Mirror Box by Quin Buchanan
Misinterpret by Koji Masutani and Gareth Lee
Miske by Louis Spirito
Mission City by Darrell McGregor
Moderately Amused by David Matheson
Money From the Sky by Ronald Ecker
Montgomery Mud by Donald Lewis
Morning in America by Christian McDonald
Most Wanted Dad by Janet McGinn
Mr. Christmas by Kevin Dembinsky
Muffled Screams by David Kaneen
Mural In Pieces by Giancarlo Renteria
Musky Hole Rep by Lana Wilson and Brian Kahn
Mustang Express by B. Jack Azadi
My Brother Fruitcake by Shiva Sawyer and Jen Senko
My Cousin’s Car by Andrew Goldmeier
My Father’s Secret Life by Barry Siskind
My Imaginary Girlfriend by Jonathan Skurnik
My Maine Man Christmas by Dan Loschack
My Right-Hand Man by Tony Moschetto
My Space Therapy by Nate Raven
Myall by Vaughn Roste
Nation One by Beverly Chukwu
Needles by Bobby Sacher
Neogenesis by Vaughn Roste
Neon Anatomy by Vincent Smarra
Never Cross a Crooked Line by David Yarbrough
New Olympus by Matthew Nicholson
Night Blooming Jasmine by Jennifer Weber
Night in Fog by Jeff Harman
Night Light by Esther Takac
Nina: Queen of the Night by Lauren Pruitt
No Code Among Thieves by G.T. Duncan
No Man Left Behind by Bob Creager
No Man’s Land by Rachel McClard
Nod by John Palfery-Smith
Nookie by Greg Goodness
North Star by Joseph Vidal
Not a Clear Picture by Carter Hadlow and Cora Fast
Not in This Life by Daniel Broderick
Nurture by Brandon Weavil
Nyx’s Box by Anton Barnett
OBIT by Jaydn Stepick
Observant by Simon P.R. Bewick
Oceanside by Jack Wood
Of Bread And Honey by George Erdstein
Of Death and Deceit: The True Story of a Cover-up by Bob Canning
Off – Spring by Kyle Smith
Oikos by Raphael Duhamel
On the Verge by Yair Karlberger
Once Removed by Adam Libarkin
Open by Sean Leviashvili
Organ Donor by Rustin Jarrell
Our Hidden Selves by Brian Danforth
Out of Nowhere by Mike Bencivenga
OUT/BREAK by Tapan Sharma
Overachievers by Cynthia Mersten
Pact Arcanum by Arshad Ahsanuddin and Toby Osborne
Para by Kelly Bandas
Parallel Proposals by Andrea Zastrow
Parma Heist by Beth Ford
Patron by Amelia Gilday
Patterns by Kim Putman
Peeling Lentils by Sabine Buchanan
Pen Game by Ian Jackson
Penelope Pan by Katharine Lowrie
Perfect Zero by Hope McPherson
Perpetua by Jared Bratt
Photographing the Dead by Hazart
Pick by Bernhard Riedhammer
Picnik by Richard Kitchen
Placebo by Kate Johnson
Places, Please! By Steven Martin
Platinum Rush by Josh Clawson
Please Don’t Eat the Children by David Marc
Poet’s Corner by Selma Karayalcin
Point Two by Brent Stratton
Point-Forty Acres & Majority Rule by Alex Barnett and Adam Oliensis
Poor Man’s Son by Jennifer Giacalone
Possessed AF by Isabella Bodnar
Post Civil by Adam Hersh
PostScript by Nelson Downend
Primeval by Drew Hellmich
Problematic by Jerry Sampson
Prot & Abut by Ivan Zuccon
Protect Your Young by Benjamin Frohman
Proven by David Yarbrough
Proxy by Kelly Kennemer
Proxy L-2 by Heather Ostrove
Psychopomp by Celina Dobson
Psychopunk by Blair Nishkian
PTSDee by Hannah Petosa
Pustka by Edel Dmytro Oksamyt
Putting Love On The Menu by Andrew McGivern
Pyramid by Jan Schwaid
Quantum Soul by Stephen Sherwood
Que Sera Sera by Stephen Marcus and Frank Crim
Quietus by Priscilla Estrada
Rainbow Man by Bonnie Culver
Rainier by Peter Roach
Raven Winters and the Spirit Vortex by Heather Ostrove
Re Possessed by Oona O’Leary
re.Form(ed) By Johnny Gilligan
Reach for the Sky by Eric Carlson
Reckoning by Jordan Duron
Reconstruction by Jelena Woehr
Red Lion by Peter Banachowski
Red Rock by Joseph Smith III and Brendan Vogel
Red Tape by Zach Witt
Red World by Kris Hall
ReEntry by Caitlin Gallo and Brittany Harris
Reincarnation Saved My Life by Linda Hatton
Remember This by Kelly Cochran-Yzquierdo
Replica by Jamie Gordon
Resistance by Caitlin McCarthy
Restaurant Z by Matt Moon
Retro by Phillip Hollins
Return of Blackbeard by Douglas MacLeod
Reunion by John W. Kim
Reverse by Carlo Carere and Erin Carere
Rhythm Changes by Eddy Hewitt
Riding With Charlie by Shintaro Ogai
Rise of the Seven by Henry Brown
Robyn… And Her Merry Misfits by Adam Best
Rock and Roll Soccer by Evan Balkan
Rumspringa by Finnegan Haid and Jake Haddock
Run On by H.A. Young
Rush by Allison Colucci
Salvation Mountain by Jessica Cabot
Sanamoura by Brian Wapole
Santa Claus Keeps Holding Out on Me by Ronald Ecker
Sarah Winnemucca Life Among Paiutes by Ken Smith
Savage Instruments by Elisabeth Meurer and Michael Hahn
Savant by Johnny Gilligan
Saving Grace by Tom Duffy
Saviours by Guy Ducker
Say What? By Stuart Forrest
Schadenfreude by Simran Khalsa
Scratcher by Paul Glen Neuman and Mark Edward Neuman
Scurvy: The Fountain of Youth by Trey Pasch
Searching for Michael by David Earle
See by Stetson Gleave
Senior Camp by Kenny Wright
Serpent’s Tooth by Jeff Hall
Shadow Wood by RP Osborne
Sharctic by Esa Nurminen
Sheep or (If You Scream on an Island and No One Hears It Does It Make a Sound?) By Sune Sorensen
Shelf Life by David Zorn
Shell Shocked by Paul Glen Neuman and Mark Edward Neuman
Sherwood by Brandon Finch
Shuttlecock by Tapan Sharma
Side-Kicker by Charles Tucker
Sidis Child Prodigy by Greg Radford
Simulacra by Michael Duclos
Sinatra: The Voice by Gary Parker
Sister Mom by Kimberly Truong
Sisters by Melissa Kong
SISTERS CIA by Ricki Holmes
Six by Jonathan Todd and Curtis Macdonald
Six. Triple. Eight. by Krystal M. Harris
Slam Tilt by J. Riehle
Slay by Rebecca HU
Slaycation by Ryan Luevano
Sledgehog: A Grimm Tale by Allison Hanna
Small World by Eric Glawe
Smut by Carl Pleasant
So You Want to Be a Vampire by Marni Troop
Something Stolen by David Zorn
soul•ace by Roi Costa
Sounds of Silence by Elizabeth Ditty
South of Normal by Jake Thomas
Southern Draw by George O’Connor
Southern Elite Law by Clifton McMillan Jr.
Southern Hospitality by Kate Harbert
Sovereign Citizen by Craig Peters
Space Accountants by John DiStefano and Mark DiStefano
Space on Earth by Jem Splitter
Speak of the Wolf by Sender Tarlovsky
Spiralmind by Ben Perez and Jackson J Smith
Spitfire by Bridget Visser
Splashdown by Don Stroud
Splinter by Mark Amador
Sprockets by M.E. Ellington
Stalag Dixie by L Morris
Stalky & Co. by Nicole Lynn Cohen
Stan the (Wolf)Man by Justin Scott
Standby by Patrick Tierney
Star and the Crescent Moon by Parviz Saghizadeh
Start the Jihad Without Me by Jonathan Field
Static Reapers by Alesha Lemons
Stealing Home by Anthony Fingleton
Steve of Asgard by Cory Brusseau
Strictly Taboo by Robert McAndrew
Sturges Academy by Natasha Rawls
Sugar by Kerri Quinn
Sugarless: Life of a Failed Sugar Baby by Alyssa Robinson
Sundown by Eve Symington
Super Men by Rob Putnam
Super-Zeroes by Matthew Lowe
Survivor Duty by Kyle Curry
Suspect Four by Shawn Nolan
Susquehanna by Walter Bauer
Sweaty Boy by Charles Valentin-Stulck
Swindled by Matt Sharp
Systemmancer by Logan Grimes
Taking Tiger Mountain by Christian Maxwell and James Clark
TARO: Legend of Japan by Blue Spruell
Taser by David M Hinds
Temperance by Anna Parsons
Terminus by Fred Perry
Terms of Entanglement by Dave Schroeder
The 49th Day by Craig Peters
The Absence of Echoes by Lynn McPherson
The Accompanist by Paige Taylor
The Age of Aquarius by Jocelyn Bateson
The Agents by Richard Eckert
The Announcer by Jacob Chattman and Jordan Butcher
The Apiarist by James Liu
The Audit by Giuseppe Cocca and Paul Young
The Banner by Ernestina Juarez
The Beats by Kyle Finnegan
The Beltway by Nathaniel Morris
The Biggest Little Town in Baseball by Matthew Rymer
The Blakeneys by Brigid May
The Boot by Paul Glen Neuman and Mark Edward Neuman
The Break up Brigade by Avery Koenig
The Busy & The Tired by Randall Palmer
The Call Center by Dave Latorture
The Cast Party by Adam Patla
The Cavalrymen by Craig Cosgray
The Chevalier by Joe Beatty
The Chronicles of Alestair Cade by Russell Ward and Scott Miller
The Circus Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore by Scherrie Payne
The City Under Glass by RA Peterson
The Community by Brenna Kelly
The Confession of Saint Olga by Nickolas Jakimow
The Corruption by Alyssa Stevens
The Courtesan by Adlinna Liang
The Coven by Crystal Ro
The Coventry Deception by Michael Holliday
The Cricket by Gabe Berry
The Dark Art of Self-Preservation by Jessica Sanders
The Dark Hallways by Lawrence Wallace
The Deadly Pestilence by Milton Bryan
The Deadman Case by Asabi Lee and Paul Hart-Wilden
The Decay by Adam Davis
The Demon of Hope Street by Craig Peters
The Desert Can’t Have Us by Victoria Lucia
The Devil Will Hang by Andrew Fuhr
The Down Window by Silvano-Mari Robinson
The Drome by Hunter Davis
The Education of Carol and Michael Braden by Henry Brown
The Esther Code by Esa Nurminen
The Exhibitant by Tim Northburg
The Exile by Gustavo Garzon
The Exit Counselor by Andrew Adams
The Ex-List by Josh Solomon and Noel Shankel
The Fall by Marc Chomel
The Fathoms by Brie Williams
The Fifth Sun by Ellen Barry
The Fighting Carpenter by Rory Lawie
The First First Man by Joshua Carter
The Forest of the Impaled by Shiva Sawyer
The Gallows Call by Brian Rousso
The God Of Desire by Irv Rich
The Hammer Falls by Travis Heermann
The Hard & Short of It by Fredrick Leach
The Harvest by Julie Pifher
The Heartbreakers Club by Lexi Nicholas
The Hive by Margaret M. MacDonald
The Hole in the Woods by Rachel Greenhoe
The Iron Leech by Neal O’Bryan and Chad Thurman
The Italian Treasure by Denise Watson
The Joke’s On You by Dan Olds
The Kill of Sam Getty by Shawn Nolan
The King of the Cannibals by Sam Watson
The Lady and The Tiger by Sam Caton
The Land I Walk by Sam M. Duane
The Last Cigarette by Aron Flasher
The Last Deer by Jack Vandagriff
The Last Queen’s Painter by Lindsey Galloway
The Last Secret by Lynwood Shiva Sawyer
The Last Thing I Do by C. E. Simon
The Last Travelers by Darrell McGregor
The Legend of the Chow Chow Heroes by Jessica Chen
The Lighthorseman by Bruce Dundore
The Liutenant Nun by Matthew Bernstein
The Living Dead of Beverly Hills by Shaun Davis
The Lookout by Brendan Beachman and Justin Boyes
The Lovely Miss Mercer by Heidi Lauren Duke
The Menlo House by Ryan Vaughn
The Missing Link by Mark Mc Quown
The Mythical Golden Trout by Craig Peters
The Naughty List by Kristen Crocker
The Neverlands: Hangman’s Tree by Jonathan Parker
The New Hospital by Kelsey Llewellyn
The New Marilyn Club by Marval A Rex
The Next Day by Kristin Raven
The Next King by Kyle J. Scimone
The Oldest Caddies by John Alarid
The One and Only Buddy Rhodes by S. Christian Roe
The Other World by Kathryn Farren
The Pale Horse by Kyle Rizor
The Paperboy Chronicles by Steven C. Martin
The Pasukan Rahsia by Yun Sun Park
The Perfect Filter by Todd Foley
The Priest Who Ruined Christmas by John Broadhead
The Prince from Nigeria by Steven Lebowitz
The Protégée by Sean Fitz-Gerald
The Psi Race by Stephen Woodworth
The Pulse by Blair Nishkian
The Purpose of a Lighthouse by Gabe Berry
The Quest for Blattopia by Dominic White
The Ramblers by James Hickey
The Reel Deal by Brian W. Smith and Vincent Viñas
The Renaissance Boy by Jon Wright
The Rental by Ariel Ehrlich
The Revengers / How We Accidentally on Purpose Got Cursed to Kill White Peo by Shannon Baker Davis
The Ride Home by Philip Elliott
The Right Hand of God by Robert Vink
The River Card by Jaime Villarreal
The Rom Con by Brent Stratton
The Ruff Rescuers by Melinda Wick
The Runaway Princess by Chloe-Lynn Russo
The Scam by Chelsea Kania
The Secret Coterie of Swans by Dylan Brown
The Secret Life of Balthasar by Michael Burnet
The Secret of the Smile by Robin Russin
The Serial Killer & Her Sweetheart by Alex Arabian
The Server by Kim Putman
The Sex Racket by Mark Huntsman
The Shadow Side by David Yarbrough
The Silent Retreat by Danny Bellini
The Siren’s Revenge by Ellie Anthony
The Snatchers by Liam Donnelly
The Solo Cup by John M Kerner
The Spear Carrier by Alec Cuddeback
The Sunshine State by Joseph Hooten
The Terminal Club by Kimberly St.Croix
The Thing About Love by Joe Eatherton
The Thingy by James Kerner
The Treasure Hunt by Alex Klein
The Twelve Dishes of Christmas Eve by Martha Caprarotta
The Vairocana by Jason Jacobson and Michelle Trantina
The Very True Existence of Susannah and Her Friends by C. E. Simon
The Virgin Marys by Steven Bolia
The Whiskey Four by Menna Dosal
The Yankee & the Songbird by Brett Orr
There is Only One Gucci by Krista Rudiger
They Also Serve… By John McCarney
Three Paddies by Dominic Graham
Time of Your Life by Dale Griffiths Stamos and Maggie Grant
Timmy Cooke: A Love Story by Aaron S. Barrocas
T-Minus by Travis Cox
Today by Javaid Nayyar
Top Fighters by Dan Cerruti
Topher & Nate & the Invaders From Mars by Ryan Dooley
Trajectory by Harry Longstreet
Trice by Matt Foss and Carlos Washington
True Falls by Marlena Brown
Trying by Stephen Chrabaszcz
Tupperware Party by Marguerite Spellman
Turquoise Mountain by Diane Schmidt
Twenty Five Years – Later by Monica Schimmer
Two Tigers by Enrico Green
Ugly Sweaters by Chris Hicky
Un Vero Uomo (A True Man) By Heidi Lauren Duke
Under The Bridge by Richie Lee Cunningham
Unexplainable by Jason Ginsburg
Unhaunted by John Bruno
Valium Times Day by Mage Lanz and Susan Sassi
Vanishing Place by Dan Olds
Vienna Calling by Renate Grassmugg
Virgin by Ian Baaske
Vitals by Nelson Downend
Voices by Janine Pecenkova
Voices by Susan Klos
Voyager by Kevin J. Howard
Vultures by Logan Mitev
Walking Gran by Suzy Miller
Walt by Jordan Smith
Wanted by Duane Piedmont
We Have to Get Out of Here! by Andrew Nisinson
Welcome Home, Sally by Yusif Ziyadzade
What Would Walt Want? by Alex Rubin
Whatever Happened to Lincoln Treadwell by Patrick Malone
Whatever It Takes by Drew McInturff
Whispering Peak by Aaron Lipscomb
White-Out by Joelle N’Sougan
Whitetail by Vincent Sweeney
Who Let the Wallflowers Out? by Virginia Austin
Wives Without Borders by Susan Hahn
Wolf Candy by Richard Stringham
WOLF/MAN by Rochelle Carino and Chris O’Neill
Wolf’s Head by Samuel Anderson
Wolves and Pigs 2050 by Theresa Cardiello
Working Title: Cat Cat Mouse by Ginger Britt Daniels
Would You Kill for Me? by Ronald Ecker
Wretched Strangers by Eric Schabla
Written by Henrietta Bloom by Robin Shushan
Written to Death by Dan Hass
WWJD? What Would Johanna Do? by Diane Pettie
Yankee Doodle Daddy by Eden De Ruse-Moore
Yasuke by Darryl Wharton-Rigby
Yunotopia by Lachlan Pirie
Zero Line by Timothy Kontje
Zombie Kush by Kyle Little
Zygote by Andrew Kelm