2024 Winners
Emerging Screenwriters Animation Screenplay Competition
Grand Prize Winner
Santaman: Regifted
by Colin O’Brien
(Alphabetical Order by Title)
Agni by Anirudh Iyengar and Christian Zanghellini
Boom the Conqueror by Ana R. Dominick
Exiles by Mahonri Stewart
Galapagos by Patrick Holden
I Secretly Live with a Cat Named Harris by Buddy Caine and Louis Michael
Laffoon: Tales from the Quarter by Jack Hutsey
Santaman: Regifted by Colin O’Brien
Seasick by Rachel Shrock
Shards of the Sun by Dylon Law
The Beetle Princess by Michael Scaglione
(Alphabetical Order by Title)
A Long Way Home by Steven Bogart
A Single Spark by Nicholas Odmark
A Thanksgiving Tradition by Casey Hagaman
Agni by Anirudh Iyengar and Christian Zanghellini
American Fairy Tales by AS Templeton
Animals Outchea: Tough Guy of the Year by Richard Kanneh
Architorture by Lou Stone Borenstein
Bambo Goes Postal by Stacy Bannerman
Biff by John Mahony
Billy and the Goblin Rebellion by Amy Gardner
Boom the Conqueror by Ana R. Dominick
Boyhood Dream: Michigan Rollins by Anthony Martinez
Chicken With Gun by Andrew Mister
Chronic Town by William Zide
Cranes by Matt Lewis
Crypt Co. by Samuel Chiu
Davy Cricket by Paul Glen Neuman
DNA by Heather Farlinger
Don Quin by David Fried
Escape from EveryWorld by Paul Shiban
Exiles by Mahonri Stewart
Extra, Extra! by Anise Overton
Familiar by Mahalia Binstock
Far Out! by Laura Palacio and Kyla Droppa
Flutter by Terry Mitchell
Gaby Guffner: Destroyer of Worlds by Matthew Manson
Galapagos by Patrick Holden
Gale Fury Saves Christmas by Matthew Rymer
Geoffrey’s Last Stand by Anna Forsyth
Gnome Core by Soren Correia
Goblin’s Goblets by Zachary Brenner
Happy World by Nick Eagles and Brandon K. Shell
Here Lies Tommy by Rodolfo Salas
Holy Cleats by Faith Dismuke
Hunter’s Wish by Steven Bogart
I Am Leaper by Sid Kramer
I Secretly Live with a Cat Named Harris by Buddy Caine and Louis Michael
Imagine/Nation by Philip Krampf
Inside the World of Zoe Sander by Suzanne Lutas
Klown Town by Lindsay Jean Michelle and Pam Bassuk
Laffoon: Tales from the Quarter by Jack Hutsey
LiberteÌ by Keya Hall
M – Demon Killer by Mark Hammond
Maddie and Frannie by Virginia Austin
Mattress Store Assassin by Christopher Loveland
Meet the Roaches by Ryan Evans
Muffin Butt Society by Lisa PennerDang
Mum by Maurice Pendarvis
My Secret Friend by Troy Suza
Nazareth High by Randy Steinlauf
Nick Normal (and the Academy of Monsters) by Jan Schwaid
Occult: Odyssey by Khalil Clark
Oliviana by Hank Isaac
Our Lady of Jackson Heights by Mickey Abbate
Pepper’s Ghost by Jon Miller
Pigeons of Paradise by Anthony Pirro
Power Couple by Ari Donnelly
Rabble Rousers by Caitlin Fein
Rabid Squirrel Farm by Mike Voss
Raven & the ABB by Barbara Ashley
Reinvention by Jake Hart
Rocky Heights by Audra Gorman
Santaman: Regifted by Colin O’Brien
Seasick by Rachel Shrock
Shards of the Sun by Dylon Law
Sky Pirates by Alex English
Sky Squadron by Robert Drusetta
Sneaky Sophie & The Token Fairy by Angela Orams
Socks by Kathryn Boettcher
SpaceMutt: The Prince by Anthony Moore
Sprinkles and Jitters by Matthew Walker
Stag Fabulous by Adam Libarkin
Star Crossed by Rodolfo Salas
Starlight by Hunter Cline
Taking the Reins by Matthew Porter
The Adventures of the Mighty Sasquatch House by Omar Mendoza
The Beetle Princess by Michael Scaglione
The Bellview Chronicles by Tyler S Christiansen
The Birds and the Bees by Matthew Doherty and Joel Beling
The Bubs and The Cribs: One Little Willy by Adam Wallace
The Divinity Cycle by Nelson Downend
The God of Desire by Irv Rich
The Golden Girl & David Ruffin by Kabrien Gathers
The Imaginarium by Jennifer Anne Martin
The Kids Between the Shelves by Jonathan Kolo
The Last Tigers by Matthew Hall
The Mystic Girls by Alex Short
The Nick of Time by Philip Rossetto
The Non-Prophet by Ari Donnelly
The Not So Dark Ages by Drew Hellmich and Matt Hellmich
The Other Side by Gabrielle Woods
The Pest Inspector by David McPete
The Pigeons of New York by Nicholas Cariddo
The Shadow of Nedlog by Terri Emerson
The Snow Queen by Jacob Leyva
The Unlikeliest of Heroes by Paul Zeidman
Tourist Town by Amber Nolan
Vala the Jaguar Guardian by Connor McLean
Wild Goose Chase by Audrey Hackett
Witch x Werewolf by Edmund Davis and Harrison Helton
(Alphabetical Order by Title)
A Christmas Legend: The Polar Penguins by Aaron Sutch
A Fox’s Tail by Meera Jay
A Long Way Home by Steven Bogart
A Single Spark by Nicholas Odmark
A Thanksgiving Tradition by Casey Hagaman
Agni by Anirudh Iyengar and Christian Zanghellini
Alison Apland by Greg Ó Braonáin
American Fairy Tales by AS Templeton
American Luchador: The Dream of Lobo Fuego by Mike Messier
American Monsters by Noah Jorgensen and Nolan Watt
Animals Outchea: The Big Bing, Bing, Bing Theory by Richard Kanneh
Animals Outchea: Tough Guy of the Year by Richard Kanneh
Animidol by Michael Williams
Arachnifabulous by Brian Horgan
Architorture by Lou Stone Borenstein
Association by Emerson Olin
Bambo Goes Postal by Stacy Bannerman
Beasty and the Beau by Steven Vivell
Best Summer Never by Shaun Balbar and Alexia Coelho
Beyond Life and Death by Trenton E Berchtold
Beyond the Sea Wall by Shane Weiss
Biff by John Mahony
Billy & Bubbles by Wilson Macduff
Billy and the Goblin Rebellion by Amy Gardner
Bogey by Louie Pradt and Kevin Gutteron
Boom the Conqueror by Ana R. Dominick
Boyhood Dream: Michigan Rollins by Anthony Martinez
Brackish by Eleni Zezas
Brian’s Cosmological Kitchen by Elizabeth Delaney
Caleb the Colt by Claire Hutchinson
Cancel Claus by Sophia Arnao
Celestial by Timothy Kohn
Chicken With Gun by Andrew Mister
Chooz by Michael Kaplan
Chosen by Joey Capuana
Christmas Stalking by Alan Barkley and Linda Barkley
Chronic Town by William Zide
Chrumbs by Aubrey Maddock
Community Service by Graham Stone Johnson
Cranes by Matt Lewis
Crypt Co. by Samuel Chiu
Crystallis by Sergio Pintore and Daryl D. Well
Danny Uncanny by Danny Katz
Davy Cricket by Paul Glen Neuman
Dead Wait by William Perkins and Brian Librot
Digs by Amy Mäki
DNA by Heather Farlinger
Doggination by Andre Barreto
Don Quin by David Fried
Donna Manicotti Dyke Detective by Noelle Messier
Doom Lagoon by Douglas Booth
Eric by E J Rupert
Escape from EveryWorld by Paul Shiban
Evelynne Doom by Colin McCall
Exiles by Mahonri Stewart
Extra, Extra! by Anise Overton
Fairies Landing by Cheryl Miller
Familiar by Mahalia Binstock
Far Out! by Laura Palacio and Kyla Droppa
Find YA Wealth by ReKeyta McClain
Flutter by Terry Mitchell
Fowl Ball by Peter Macaluso
FrankenDad by Andrew Varhol
Frankenstein by Phil Moore
Frankie’s Monster Christmas by Alan Barkley
Free Fall by Maggie Walters
Gaby Guffner: Destroyer of Worlds by Matthew Manson
Galapagos by Patrick Holden
Gale Fury Saves Christmas by Matthew Rymer
Garbage by Darren Vukasinovic
Garden Variety Aliens by Cat Girczyc
Geoffrey’s Last Stand by Anna Forsyth
Gnome Core by Soren Correia
Goblin’s Goblets by Zachary Brenner
Gods of Olympus Street by Will Kisor
Gold Rush by Stephanie Tungate
Green Jack by Philip Langer
Gristle by Heidi Hornbacher
H.E.L.P by Mark Sammut
Happy World by Nick Eagles and Brandon K. Shell
Harlem Hustle by Mackenzie Burton
Hatman by Adam Wallace
Haunted Birdhouse by Mary Pumper
Here Lies Tommy by Rodolfo Salas
Hidden Gems by Hagop Kaneboughazian
Higher Powers by Nicholas Erickson
Hodag by Barbara Blomquist
Holy Cleats by Faith Dismuke
Homebound by Scotty Kauffman
Homero by Donna Bellorado
House of Aegea by Diana Lanham
Humpty by Tammy Klembith and George Klembith
Hunter’s Wish by Steven Bogart
I Am Leaper by Sid Kramer
I Secretly Live with a Cat Named Harris by Buddy Caine and Louis Michael
Imagine/Nation by Philip Krampf
Inside the World of Zoe Sander by Suzanne Lutas
Invaders by Martin Barry
Iron Phallus by Stephanie Kolar
Jenny Storm. Jr by Alex Vickery-Howe
Kaltera by Will Kisor and Gage Swanston
Kira and Henry by Sandra Cook Jerome
Klown Town by Lindsay Jean Michelle and Pam Bassuk
Knick Knack, Spirit Quest by George Edinger
Laffoon: Tales from the Quarter by Jack Hutsey
League of Animais by Tapash Dutta
Lena’s Christmas Wish by Maria Skillings
LiberteÌ by Keya Hall
Little Green Mend by Linda Whitmore and Brian Menz
Lucy, the Most Special Dog by Morgan Smalley
Lüper by Samuel Chiu
M – Demon Killer by Mark Hammond
Madam Caraveil’s Caravan of Curiosities by Amanda Keener
Maddie and Frannie by Virginia Austin
Manatee Manor by Craig Weeden
Mariposa, a Fairly True Tale by Terence a Rousseau
Mattress Store Assassin by Christopher Loveland
Medusa by Tristan Bellawala
Meet the Roaches by Ryan Evans
Millers Row by Matt MacBride
Mindcraft by Seth Nelson
Miracle and the Coven by Sebastian McGrogan
Monster Agents: Lily Bigfoot & Frogman by Brandon Prosek
MoonFu by David Santo
Mr. PooPoo Head by Laura Harbin
Muffin Butt Society by Lisa PennerDang
Mum by Maurice Pendarvis
Musiba’s Wrath by Natalya Roque-Rosario
My Secret Friend by Troy Suza
Nazareth High by Randy Steinlauf
Nick Normal (and the Academy of Monsters) by Jan Schwaid
Nielheim by Elyssa Catalfano
Nitro by Klara Chmelarova
Noble Hearts by Alison Reeger Cook
Norah’s Ark by Thomas Pace
O’Malley’s Critter Control by David Nathan Schwartz and Michael J. McDonough
Occult: Odyssey by Khalil Clark
Oliviana by Hank Isaac
Our Lady of Jackson Heights by Mickey Abbate
Out of the Park by Gregory Bonds
Paradise Afterlife by Dylon Law
Penny Paige and the Incredible Bookmobile by Charlie Griffin
Pepper’s Ghost by Jon Miller
Pigeons of Paradise by Anthony Pirro
Power Couple by Ari Donnelly
Princess Death by Jeanne Grandilli and Shaina Rothberg
Rabble Rousers by Caitlin Fein
Rabid Squirrel Farm by Mike Voss
Raven & the ABB by Barbara Ashley
Reapers by Blake Kellinger
Reinvention by Jake Hart
Return to Infinia by Josh Schaffer
Rocky Heights by Audra Gorman
Root by Sam McLane
Rushmore Rangers by Matthew Larren
Sacagawea’s Journey by Mike Neimeyer
Sanaastasis by Dominic White
Santaman: Regifted by Colin O’Brien
Santa’s Magnificent 4 by Dev Ross
Scott B. Donaghy: Professional Referee by Christopher Loveland
Seasick by Rachel Shrock
Seedlingz by Keith Gillum
Shards of the Sun by Dylon Law
Shattered Moon by Chris Hocking
Skeletor by Khaqan Khan
Sky Pirates by Alex English
Sky Squadron by Robert Drusetta
Sleepytown by Janet Kravetz
Sneaky Sophie & The Token Fairy by Angela Orams
Snow White and Rose Red by Austin Turmel
Socks by Kathryn Boettcher
Solar by LyAnne Thijs
SpaceMutt: The Prince by Anthony Moore
Sprinkles and Jitters by Matthew Walker
Stag Fabulous by Adam Libarkin
Star Crossed by Rodolfo Salas
Starlight by Hunter Cline
Strike Team Four vs. Doctor Drake by Michael Flores
Strings by Matthew Millard and Sierra Millard
Sunset by Juan Ignacio Peña Espina
Super Lonely by bk lyon
Taking the Reins by Matthew Porter
Tales of Sparda by Cyrus Aldridge
The Adventure of Spaghetti and Meatball by DeLeon DeMicoli
The Adventures of G.U.S. By Brad Dude
The Adventures of Goat Boy and Wonder Kid by Michael Vance
The Adventures of the Mighty Sasquatch House by Omar Mendoza
The Age of the Empath by Steve Brown
The Alien and Me by Charo Toledo
The Amulet by Matthew Marshall
The Beetle Princess by Michael Scaglione
The Bellview Chronicles by Tyler S Christiansen
The Birds and the Bees by Matthew Doherty and Joel Beling
The Black Knight! by Henry Brown
The Bubs and The Cribs: One Little Willy by Adam Wallace
The Cosmic Beamer by Catherine Gemmiti
The Daily Scoop by Ryan Greenwood
The Divinity Cycle by Nelson Downend
The Dragon Key by Lyn Pinezich
The God of Desire by Irv Rich
The Golden Girl & David Ruffin by Kabrien Gathers
The Imaginarium by Jennifer Anne Martin
The Imaginary Adventures of Tumble Jones by Ian Bocking
The Kids Between the Shelves by Jonathan Kolo
The Last Heavy Metal Wizard by Jordan Prescott and Matt Tribble
The Last Human by Maria Vainer
The Last Mermaid by Steven Supparits
The Last Tigers by Matthew Hall
The Legend of Adoria by Tracy Morse and Sophia Porter
The Legend of Iron Dog by Andrea Park
The Lostest Angels by Paul Stefaniak
The Miller Sisters and the Otherworld Well by Sammy Krouse
The Miraculous Adventures of Archie Bishop and Dodge Callahan by Ryan Schwenning
The Moon Bear by Michael Esparza
The Mystic Girls by Alex Short
The Neutral Zone Bar & Grill by Matthew Tolbert
The Nick of Time by Philip Rossetto
The Non-Prophet by Ari Donnelly
The Not So Dark Ages by Drew Hellmich and Matt Hellmich
The Other Side by Gabrielle Woods
The Pest Inspector by David McPete
The Pigeons of New York by Nicholas Cariddo
The Plant Thief by Norm Fassbender and Katherine Holowach
The Reindeer Games by James Willingham
The Seekers by Tom Moriarty
The Shadow of Nedlog by Terri Emerson
The Shift by Kate Gnetetsky
The Snow Queen by Jacob Leyva
The Strangest Part of the Forest by Salwa Meghjee
The Trouble with Freddie & Ted by Jack Bennett
The Unlikeliest of Heroes by Paul Zeidman
The Vegetarian Zombie by Jake Lynch
The Wizard of Harlem by Isaiah G Davis
The Zoo by Zach Witt
Tinker’s Christmas by Sandra Jones Cropsey
Tootersen from Middlesbrough by Yaroslav Akhromov
Tourist Town by Amber Nolan
Tuft Enough by Randy Gross
Ultrabus by Drew Toop
Vala the Jaguar Guardian by Connor McLean
Vic & Patti Go To Eden by Rodolfo Salas
Viral Z Live by Angel Macias
Wamushido by Dan Laws
Wando, Slim & The Light Within by Matt Jacobs and Grant Harris
Wanted by Duane Piedmont
Werewolf Sword by Dan Malyk
Wild Goose Chase by Audrey Hackett
Winston & Western Essence by Ryan Hooshmand
Witch x Werewolf by Edmund Davis and Harrison Helton
World Wrestling League of Badassery by Lee Lucero