2025 Winners

Emerging Screenwriters Screenplay Competition


(Alphabetical Order by Title)

(Kinda) Young. (Formerly) Gifted. (Still) Black. by Armanti Reed
A Chocolate Haircut by Jordan Freese
A Good Day Will Come by Amir Zargara
A Legacy of Warriors by Eduardo Arguelles
Abel’s Baby by Hallie Stephenson
Adventures in Serial Killing by Jack Warner
All My Trials, Lord by Sandra Jones Cropsey
Ball by Jacob Taplin
Black and Gold by Kevin J. Howard
Black Girl Magic by Sasha Kai
Broken Bang by Ted Gavarkavich
Buffalo Creek by Vaughn Roste
Calvary by Dustin Martinson
Centurions by Sally Stubbs
Charles Somebody by Scott Corbett and Mark Cohen
Checkout by Hunter Davis and Bryan Bockbrader
Crunkillmatic by Max Gaspard
Disco Inferno by Oliver Woolf
Echo City by James Liu
Escape by Larry Wells
Esperanza by David Christopher Loya
Eye of the Storm by Richard Opper
Fall by Ron Yungul
Finding Perry by John Ripper
Fun City by Gordon Rayfield
Georgie by Dean Mongan
Ghosts of 3121 King Edward’s Road, Hackney E9-7SF by Sven Anarki
Glory Bowl by Gabrielle Sirois and Emily Djurin
Going, Going, Gone by Aurelia Turrall
Granny’s Shot by Toni Berrie
Group by Sean Slater
Grouped by Kendal Taylor and S. Allen Goodin
Happy Places by Christopher Duarte
Here She Comes by Jasmine Aziz and Dan McNeil
Hyozan by Robin Lebeau
Indian Medium by Tapan Sharma
Inner Station by Matt O’Reilly
Into the Mystic by Patricia K Meyer
Isokon by Kevin Karp
Izetta by Tamara Steren
Japanese for Baseball by Ray Keller
Jeanne by Zsofia Szilagyi
Joan by Chloe Kendel
Jumpers by Kevin Dobbs
Limping Towards Babylon by Julius Galacki
Love by Anhtuan Do
Mile End by Sara Relli
Minister Speer by Sven Anarki
Moonshot by Michael Graf
Mr. Bojangles by Michael Brody
Nguyen or Lose by Kathy Li
Occult: Odyssey by Khalil Clark
On Capitol Hill by Peter Burns
Once in My Life by ER Knight
Pope Joan by Michael Melanson
Power Shift by Jim Ramsay
Race Across America by Dennis DeBon
Reunion by Anhtuan Do
Revolutionary Medicine by Kristen McNaule
Rhapsodist by Anna Wright
Richard Spong by Terry Podnar
Saladin Quick by Yusuf Gad
Sawbones by HF Crum
Seoul Food by Jay Oh and Ryan Kim
Silk & Steel by Teodorico Sajor
Slug Fest by Mao Natori
Take My Life by Larry Collins
Ten Cent Beer Night by Matt McCarron
The 49th Day by Craig Peters
The Art of Lies by John Cooney
The Black and the Red by Scott Crowder
The Comedian by Palmira Muniz
The Cricket by Gabe Berry
The Damned by Juhani Nurmi
The Dark Flame by Andrew Bird
The Girl and the Shadow by Bartosz Pietryka
The Great Beer Boycott by Barry Duffield
The Heckler by Steve Mitchell
The Incredible Frog Boy Is on the Loose Again! by Zach Jansen
The Iron Valkyries by Amanda Harmon Koppe
The Irresolute Desk by Jerry Hsu
The Lily and the Rose by Robin Lebeau
The Malian King by Francesco Capussela
The Pigeon by Miles Kahn
The Polski Affair by Kenneth Gildin
The Prince of Earth by Mike Robinson
The Re-Education of Jane Brown by MK McGehee
The Syrians by Hosam Solaiman
Theophilus by Gretchen Horenburg
There Goes the Gayborhood by Larry Collins
Unexpected by Bennett Kaspar-Williams
Welcome to America by Weiyang Liu
What’s a Zayde? by Andrew M Epstein
Where the Wolves Say Goodnight by Hannah Silver
Who Let the Wallflowers Out? by Virginia Austin
Without a Hitch by Neil S Pollner
Woolton Pie for Tea by Brigit Foster
You’ll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again by Zach Stephens
Your Own Two Feet by Samuel Stiffl
Zombs by Megan Lynch


(Alphabetical Order by Title)

#dramaqueens by Polly Kreisman
(Kinda) Young. (Formerly) Gifted. (Still) Black. by Armanti Reed
2088 – A Farmer Takes a Wife by Russell Bennett
A Child of God by Robert Rosenbaum
A Chocolate Haircut by Jordan Freese
A Girl Like I by Marie Wilson
A Good Day Will Come by Amir Zargara
A Legacy of Warriors by Eduardo Arguelles
A Love Supreme by Frank Moore
A Mystery to Me by Alwyne Kennedy
A Nice Quest by Ged Maybury
A Suicider by Christabel Soo
A Sure Thing by James Mangan
A Sweet Revenge by Farnaz Calafi
Abel’s Baby by Hallie Stephenson
Adventures in Serial Killing by Jack Warner
After Ever by Sarah Hohman
All My Trials, Lord by Sandra Jones Cropsey
All You Need Is Love by Gary Irwin
An American Hero by David Marantz
Apex by Sam King
Askari by Christiaan Smit
Austin by Sam King
Autocorrect by Douglas Stark
Baby Cravings by Franklin Carvajal
Back by Matthew Webster
Back Door to Heaven by Ronald Ecker
Backside of the Vase by Marina Charalambides
Ball by Jacob Taplin
Based and Redpilled Sigma Samurai by Nick Rose
Beaks by Nate Gentlesk
Beast of Virginia by Matthew Corley
Belly of the Beast by Adrienne Domasin
Big Deal by Hannah Rae Dillon
Black and Gold by Kevin J. Howard
Black Girl Magic by Sasha Kai
Black Tiger by Karl Mather
Bloody Show by Andrew Betzer
Bluebird by Daven Murphy
Bonaparte by Kevin Karp
Bonus People by Diana Bond
Born to be Wild by Karl Mather
Bouravka by Paul Grigoryants
Breaking Legs by Lindsay Ballif
Broken Bang by Ted Gavarkavich
Broken Spirits by Matthew Hoch
Broken Worlds by Terry Podnar
Brothered by Antonio Avella
Buffalo Creek by Vaughn Roste
Cache by Sahar Saleem
California Son by Gregory Pricoli
Calvary by Dustin Martinson
Cancel Me by Judson Simmons
Capital G Great by Echo Nguyen and Marin Morris
Care Source by Matthew Nicholson
Cargo by Erin Cantelo
Carry My Ghost by Bryce Emley
Cave Dwellers_ by Max Perlick and Francis Indigo
Centurions by Sally Stubbs
Charles Somebody by Scott Corbett and Mark Cohen
Checkout by Hunter Davis and Bryan Bockbrader
Christmas Preyers by Eric Murphy
Church of the Dead by Veronica Turowski and Ron Turowski
Classified Internship by Samuel Chen
Colonel John Glover: Unsung Hero of the American Revolution by Jill A. Hargrave
Corporately Challenged by Shannon Phipps
Crazy by Wendy Moulton Tate
Creature Country – Appalachia by Jason Rice and Lucas Hardwick
Credit Card by Kevin Ndango
Cremators by Siddharth Martis and Alexander Park
Crunkillmatic by Max Gaspard
Cubbyhole Kid by CE Murphy
DadCon by Tracy Moore
Dance of the Innocent by TL Michaels
Darna by Manelle Dridi
Dart Man by Bart Vandever
Dating with Parents by Matthew Rymer
Dead Island by Jim Hoffman
Deadline by Tom Barber
Death With Benefits by Sedona Feretto
Deep Blue II: Kasparov’s Revenge by Ben Gottlieb
Delizioso! by Joe Borriello
Disabled Love by Clement Vallos
Disco Inferno by Oliver Woolf
Disconnected by Will Jones
Do Not Disturb by Ben Miller
Doll in the Family by Pamela Mora
Dr. Hynek by Dennis DeBon
Dr. Self-Defense Force by Dengxian Cao
Duds by Alene Latimer
Duplicity by Dominique Brown
Earmark by Tom Zarnowski
Easter Eggs by Ally Gilfeather
Echo City by James Liu
Escape Artists by Stephen Settimi
Escape by Larry Wells
Esperanza by David Christopher Loya
Eve Of Destruction by Jeffrey Stackhouse
Everything’s AI-OK by Matthew Lowe
Evolution’s Revenge by Woods Michael
Eye of the Storm by Richard Opper
Fall by Ron Yungul
Fastest Food by Laura Lee Walsh
Final Dreams by Mike Wilczynski
Finding Faith: A Journey Back in Time by Jane Digby
Finding Perry by John Ripper
Fiona (was the Hole in Our Hearts) by Charley Vance
Forever Mine by Collette Letendre
Four the Hard Way by Chris Brandt
Fun City by Gordon Rayfield
Gaia by Gustavo Sampaio
Garden Variety Weeds by Madeline Makiko Jade Prins
Georgie by Dean Mongan
Ghosts of 3121 King Edward’s Road, Hackney E9-7SF by Sven Anarki
Glory Bowl by Gabrielle Sirois and Emily Djurin
Going, Going, Gone by Aurelia Turrall
Good Eggs by Patrick Bohan
Good Money by David Polcyn and Erik Rodgers
Good Neighbors by Christine Gatlin
Gr*y Matters by Bob Crandall and Bruce Dunn
Granny’s Shot by Toni Berrie
Grim Tidings by Jeremy Anderson
Group by Sean Slater
Grouped by Kendal Taylor and S. Allen Goodin
Gunplay by Ken Pisani
Hail Mary by Miguel Castillo
Hannah in Three Acts by Shannon Yocum
Happy Places by Christopher Duarte
Havenwood by Jai Brandon
Her Seventh Death by Virginia Austin
Here She Comes by Jasmine Aziz and Dan McNeil
Hi Jack by Wendy Chen
Hobo in the Mist by J. Alan Hostetter
Honeymoon With Strangers by Scott Billings
Hope by Toofun West and Anna West
Houston by Marcus Herzberg
How the West Was Lost by Paul Simpson
Hungry Eyes by Egidio Concas
Hunting Monsters by Alexandra Addams
Husky by Qaseem Fazal
Hyozan by Robin Lebeau
Illuminati the Musical! by Max Rasmussen
Imp Perfect by Maria Soriano
Indian Medium by Tapan Sharma
Infinity Canvas by Jay Hodgkins
Inner Station by Matt O’Reilly
Insurrection by Simon Bowler Khan
Into the Mystic by Patricia K Meyer
Inventure by Joshua Jashinski
Iron John by Brian P Wapole
Isabela’s Revolution by Farrah Pereira
Isokon by Kevin Karp
Izetta by Tamara Steren
Jack’d by Mike Ede
Japanese for Baseball by Ray Keller
Jeanne by Zsofia Szilagyi
Jenny by Ryan Skinner
Jimi, Janis and Jim Must Die by John Arnau
Joan by Chloe Kendel
Joseon Cowboy by Ross Denyer
Jumbee’s ah Come by Mike Alter
Jumpers by Kevin Dobbs
Kate’s War by Gary Ress
Kil-Ja’s World by Tanes Putthiporn
Killer Man’s Sons by Billy Dunston
Killing Cain by Michael Spitz
Kings of Kebulan by Brianna Kay Thorbourne
Klone Kid by J Christopher Haslip
L.O.T. Lizards by Lee John
Laffoon: Tales from the Quarter by Jack Hutsey
Land Lies by Alix Yumi Cho
Law of the Land by Greg Gonzales
Let’s Taco About It by Pablo Riesgo Almonacid and Pablo Cervera
Leveling Up by Theresa Zoe Williams
Lights! Camera! Cluster#^&@! by Ryan Dooley
Limbo Land by Alex Paulk
Limping Towards Babylon by Julius Galacki
Little Green Everything by Chuck Augello
Live Oak by John Stevenson
London Calling by Steven Joseph Shank
Love by Anhtuan Do
Love x Cowboy Boots by Jontreal Martin and Punjamean Martin
Loveland by Michael B. Snow
Lulu by Marshall Ferrin
Marcus the Lion by Theresa Cornelia
Marysville by Randall R Reese
Meg Undercover by Molly Mayock
Merged by Christian Zimmer
Mile End by Sara Relli
Millennial Pink by Miranda Gruss
Minaccia’s Lucky Bowling Shoes by James Willingham
Mindless by Drew Maron
Minister Speer by Sven Anarki
Moonshot by Michael Graf
Mother Goose by Alene Latimer
Mr. Bojangles by Michael Brody
Murder on the Rio Grande by Madeleine Vessel
Nguyen or Lose by Kathy Li
Night Nurse by Paul Thompson
No Mirrors by Brian Lustig
No Olvidado by D.B. Roderick
Nobody’s Heroes by Michael Elliott
Not Your Parents’ Christmas Story by Toni Gallagher
Now and After by Peter Davis
Nuclear One by Michael Toay and Travis Mann
Occult: Odyssey by Khalil Clark
Old Man Dead by Allen Sircy
On Capitol Hill by Peter Burns
Once in My Life by ER Knight
Only Moms by Vanessa Leigh and Jennifer Smith
Open by Clayton Crocker
Open by Jessica Burgess
Orion’s Belt by Giovanna Umpierrez
Otherworldly by Douglas M. Stich
Over/Drawn by Trevor Guinard
Overwhelming Darkness by Steven A Hart
Paradiso by Tyler Harvey
Pearl Jam and Toast by Will Downs
Penguinz by Mattison Lewis
Perception by Pauline McAlonan
Phoebe Lark by Jennifer Smith
Pilgrims: Stories From the Mountain by Kimberley Sparks
Pope Joan by Michael Melanson
Powder Stream by AJ Thibault
Power Shift by Jim Ramsay
Preacher’s Daughter: Giant Slayer by Gregory Bonds
Precious Sec(END)s by Lynette Bradleigh and Nan Jo
Precursor by Steve Brown
Princess by Mike Rix
Prospero’s Island by Mahonri Stewart
Quantum Telegraph by Joshua Jashinski
Quash by John McCarney
Race Across America by Dennis DeBon
Rebane by Mann Lightfoot
Recall by Lee Andrew Taylor
Recapture/Nexus by Eric Lotter
Recursion by Bryan Snowden and Lee Brandt
Red Bark by Kate Salters
Rednecks by Matthew Webster
Redpoll by Jason Sotolongo
Renaissance Boy by Jon Edwin Wright
Reservoir by EK Gaylord
Reunion by Anhtuan Do
Revolutionary Medicine by Kristen McNaule
Rhapsodist by Anna Wright
Richard Spong by Terry Podnar
Riddle by Shiva Ramanathan
Riveters by Max Rissman
Road Closure by John Cerrito
Ruin by Dylan Stringer
S|5 by Rafael Frankenberg
Saladin Quick by Yusuf Gad
San Antonio Battles by Al Garza
Santa Wars by Lyndal Simpson
Santa’s Wonderful Whimsical Wild Wondrous Workshop Tour by Robin Zack
Sawbones by HF Crum
Seed Money by Aaron Braxton
Seoul Food by Jay Oh and Ryan Kim
Seth vs. Death by Danny Baram
Show Them All by Amanda Cole
Silk & Steel by Teodorico Sajor
Sleep With Me by Benjamin Font
Slug Fest by Mao Natori
Solar Warden by Tyler Bentley
Something New And Something Old by Coco Coloma
Somniarch by Ben Monaco
Souvenirs by Ellen Puff
Space Invaders by Tom Sturm
Starring Jake Wilkins & Jake Wilkins by Ed Wiles
Street Knowledge by Greg Sawicki and Brian Miller
Stuck by Rich Van Tine
Sugar Green by Mark Gunnion
Taint by Shannon Ronalds
Take My Life by Larry Collins
Ten Cent Beer Night by Matt McCarron
Terror and Virtue by Ernest Pysher
That Summer We Stole Our Permanent Records by Kersti Niebruegge
The 49th Day by Craig Peters
The Art of Lies by John Cooney
The Astrologer by Ray Keller and Richard Schmidt
The Australian by Robert Jemison
The Backpack by Jeffrey Chase
The Big Sneeze by Jen Butler
The Black and the Red by Scott Crowder
The Boomerang Kids by Franck Benayoun
The Caregiver by Sarah Kennedy
The Charmer by Richard Muti
The Child Support Avenger by Jermaine Jones
The Citadel of the Five Mountains by Jerzy Suchocki
The Comeback Kid by Egidio Concas
The Comedian by Palmira Muniz
The Conjugal Visit by Jeremy Anderson
The Cricket by Gabe Berry
The Cure by Charles Gabriele
The Cut by BJ Cyprian
The Damned by Juhani Nurmi
The Dark Flame by Andrew Bird
The Deadhead by Justin Ballheim
The Decision by Carlos Perez
The Final Assassination by Donell Jackson
The Final Mission by Claudia OBrien
The Firekeeper by Daniel R Stevens
The Forever Hotel by Justin Ballheim
The Founders’ Plot by Frank Victoria
The Garfield Guy by Jeff Longsworth
The Gateway by Ashley Lara
The Genuine Article by Logan Robinson
The Girl and the Shadow by Bartosz Pietryka
The Great Beer Boycott by Barry Duffield
The Hawala Connection by John Young
The Heckler by Steve Mitchell
The Incredible Frog Boy Is on the Loose Again! by Zach Jansen
The Iron Valkyries by Amanda Harmon Koppe
The Irony of Coincidence by Nona Kocharyan
The Irresolute Desk by Jerry Hsu
The King of Kansas City by Christopher Loveland
The Ladies Room by Andrew Smith
The Lake by Jonathan Everett
The Last Resort by Jim Bishop
The Legendary Doc Noss by Dennis Debon
The Lily and the Rose by Robin Lebeau
The Magician by Diane Thomassin
The Malian King by Francesco Capussela
The Man in the Flying Lawn Chair by Ryan Mekenian
The Man Who Came From the River by Kieran O’Dea and Brennan O’Dea
The Marriage Maker by David Bone, Cam Seamus, and Laury Falter
The Match by Justin Ballheim
The Other Side of the Moon by Michael Brody
The Overturning Moment by Tom Holowach
The Pacino Picture by Jennifer D’Angelo Kircher
The Pigeon by Miles Kahn
The Polski Affair by Kenneth Gildin
The Pony by Kay Ownbey
The Preserve by Danny Hogan
The Prince of Earth by Mike Robinson
The Proxy by Ada Lee Halofsky
The Puzzle Box by Joe Bitonti
The Re-Education of Jane Brown by MK McGehee
The Return by Randall DeSoto
The Rewind Connection by Rob Gruen
The Road to Hell by Jeff Galatowitsch
The Rock of Abandon by Stephen Blackburn
The Saints of 727 by Dillon Mastromarino
The Salesman by Adam Seidel
The Second Coming of Frankie Christ by Sage Armstrong
The Sessions by Tom 8. Hayes
The Silver Cup by Da Stenard and Dan Fitzpatrick
The Suckers by Joseph Fanger
The Syrians by Hosam Solaiman
The Tomorrow Genesis: Rebirth by Daniel Duval
The Widow Maker by Adam Poulos
The Zookeeper’s Daughter by Lisa Hickey
Theophilus by Gretchen Horenburg
There Goes the Gayborhood by Larry Collins
This House Believes… by Paul Alcantara
Till Death Do Us Part by Katie Combs
Tinker’s Christmas by Sandra Cropsey
To Kill a King by Riley Warmoth
Toilet Sharks by Bruce Griffiths
TomKats by Mariella Krause and Christian McLaughlin
Tox-si-city by Elyssa Catalfano
Tri-County by Gerard Shaka
Twisted Justice by Joel McElvaney
Two Thieves and a Kleptomaniac by Virginia Youngren
Uncle Daddy by Jeff Hall
Unconquered: The John Hollins Story by Phillip Hollins
Unexpected by Bennett Kaspar-Williams
Vacant by Brett Block
Vampirology 101 by Grady C. Cook and Jason C. Cook
Vanity Opress by Amanda Cole and Autumn Karen
Vegas Christ by Marko Sakren
Wait In the Truck by Alexis Croyle
Walking in L.A. by Christopher Schultz
Washington State of Mind by John Ervin
We Robbed Santa Claus by Walter Richardson and Natalie Higdon
We Want Your Baby by Leah Rowell
Welcome to America by Weiyang Liu
Welcome to Valhalla by Karl Mather
Well of Deceit by Michael Richards
Well, I Guess This Is Growing Up by Brian Cheng
What Could Go Wrong? by Richard Eckert
What Goes Up Must Come Down by Nicholas Zingarelli
What’s a Zayde? by Andrew M Epstein
When Jenna Almost Never Met The Real Liam by Yaël Brunnert
Where the Wolves Say Goodnight by Hannah Silver
Whipple Pack by Grant Gilreath
Who Let the Wallflowers Out? by Virginia Austin
Who Loves the Lovemakers? by Rob McNeil
Who Will Live? by Paul Sokal
Wildflower of the Valley by Hannah Vernot
Without a Hitch by Neil S Pollner
Wojtek by Sebastian Magiera
Woolton Pie for Tea by Brigit Foster
Wrightsborough by Mahonri Stewart
X/Wind by Richard Pohl
You’ll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again by Zach Stephens
Your Own Two Feet by Samuel Stiffl
Zero Flux by J.B. Dunn
Zombs by Megan Lynch